M.T. Mirakmalov – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 93 375-79-02
e-mail: mir1970ali@mail.ru
History and main directions of activity of the Department of Physical Geography.
The Department of Physical Geography of the Faculty of Geography and Natural Resources of the National University of Uzbekistan dates back to the 1920s. Initially, it was part of the Military Department as the Geography of Turkestan of the Central Asian State University (CASU). The independent activities as the Department of Physical Geography started in 1940 under the leadership of the prominent geographer N.L. Korzhenevsky.
In those years, the employees of the Department of Physical Geography were engaged in a complex physical and geographical characteristic of the regions of Uzbekistan and carried out geomorphological studies of some regions of Central Asia. In 1943, a member of the department, the first among Uzbek geographers N.D. Dolimov defended his candidacy thesis on the topic “Complex physical and geographical characteristics of the Nurata mountains.” N.D. Dolimov made a great contribution to the development of the geography of Uzbekistan and in the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in Uzbekistan. For these merits in 1970, N.D. Dolimov was awarded the “Honored Worker of Uzbekistan” award. Since the mid-1940s at the Department worked deserved scientific figure of Uzbekistan, professors of geomorphology Y.A. Skvortsov and climatologist L.N. Babushkin. They carried out fundamental work on the agroclimatic zoning of Central Asia and on Quaternary geology. Subsequently, it was at the department that the foundations of the school of “Quaternary geology and geomorphology” were laid.
In the 1950s – 80s, a member of the department, Professor Kh.Kh. Khasanov, conducted deep research on the history of geography, toponymy and terminology of Central Asia, special attention should be paid to the study of the scientific heritage of scientists of the Middle Ages, immigrants from Central Asia, many of whom are still considered Arab scientists. Since the 1960s, Professor R.U. Rakhimbekov has been studying the history of the development of the geographical science of Central Asia. Based on of the collected material, in 1970 he published a monograph dedicated to the Central Asian ecological-geographical school of D.N. Kashkarov and E.P. Korovin, who made a great contribution to the formation of modern geoecology.
The staff of the department, in addition to teaching activities, were closely engaged in scientific research, in particular, the works of L.N. Babushkin, N.A. Kogai, Sh.S. Zakirov, A. Khasanov on physical-geographical and agro-climatic zoning, landscape studies, Y.A. Skvortsov and O.Yu. Poslavskaya, A. Zainutdinov on Quaternary geology and geomorphology.
In addition to their own textbooks, the staff of the department N.D. Dolimov, Kh.Kh. Khasanov, P.N. Gulomov, R.U. Rakhimbekov was also engaged in translations of basic textbooks on geography for higher education from Russian into Uzbek.
Since the 90s, the department employees have been conducting applied and fundamental research on the development of the geographical foundations of environmental protection, the history and methodology of geography, paleogeography, as well as the problems of the Aral Sea. Special mention should be made of the work on geoecology of professor A.A. Rafikov, for the first time he published a map of environmental protection of Uzbekistan on a scale of 1:1,000,000.
The staff of the department, in cooperation with the Uzbek Geographical Society, take an active part in many Republican and international scientific and applied conferences. The department pays special attention to scientific research.
Currently, the staff of the department is carrying out a number of fundamental, innovative and applied projects. In them, together with the teaching staff, young scientists, doctoral students, undergraduates, as well as gifted students conduct research. In the years of independence, a number of monographs and textbooks by Sh.S. Zokirova, M. Mamatkulova, Sh.M. Sharipov, M.T. Mirakmalov, U.K. Abdunazarov, N.T. Shamuratova, R. Ibragima and others were published. One of the prominent geographers of Uzbekistan, Associate Professor P.N. Gulyamov continues research on the scientific analysis of the relationship between man and nature, the creation of the geographical foundations of nature management, the rational use of natural resources, the organization of human economic activity, and is the author of a number of textbooks on the geography of secondary schools. He is an expert in toponymy and geographical terminology. For his fruitful work, P.N. Gulyamov was awarded the state award of the Honored Worker of Public Education of Uzbekistan.
Until recently, Professor M. Mamatkulov (1932-2018) conducted in-depth scientific research on karst studies, was fruitfully engaged in pedagogical activities, he published 4 textbooks on geography and geomorphology for secondary schools and specialized secondary educational institutions, for students of higher educational institutions.
Associate Professor Asamutdin Zainutdinov (1940-2015), who successfully worked in long-term scientific expeditions in the deserts of Kyzylkum, Karakum, as well as in the Chirchik-Akhangaron valley, Turkestan mountains, achieved unique scientific results and joined the ranks of natural scientists. He successfully carried out geological and geomorphological studies, which later became the basis for the construction of several resorts south of the Charvak reservoir, around the Khodzhimushkent reservoir dam, the Beldersay ski resort area at the Chimgan tract, and for the construction of the Talimarjan reservoir in Kashkadarya.
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor I.A. Khasanov (1940) is known among professors and university students as an active participant in physical geographical research and expeditions. His main scientific work is devoted to physical geography, target assessment of natural complexes, land reclamation and recreational geography.
Associate Professor U.K. Abdunazarov (1942) was one of the first to comprehensively and systematically study the ancient soil horizons of Quaternary deposits in Central Asia, which are of great importance in the paleogeographic reconstruction of the physical and geographical conditions of the anthropogen, linking these conditions with the geography of archaeological sites in the Western Tien Shan. Together with his scientific advisor Professor I.N. Stepanov, he scientifically substantiated the paleogeographic and stratigraphic significance of buried ancient soils in the composition of loess rocks common in Central Asia. He took an active part in scientific research within Central Asia related to the project to transfer part of the waters of Siberian rivers to the Aral Sea basin. He is the author and co-author of more than 20 medium-scale maps of Turkmenistan and the lower reaches of the Amu Darya River,
The scientific activity of A.A. Sagatov (1943-2005), Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor of the department deserves special attention. In 1993, under the guidance of Honored Scientist, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor N.A. Kogai defended his thesis on “Analysis of the physical and geographical conditions of Uzbekistan for the purposes of urban development.” In addition to teaching, he conducted active research work on the study of the geomorphological structure of the regions of Uzbekistan for geographic zoning, for the purpose of urban planning.
At present, the staff of the department, in addition to pedagogical activities, are actively engaged in research work in various branches of physical geography.
Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Nailya Ismailovna Sabitova (1954) studies environmental protection, the development of scientific foundations for increasing soil fertility, the study of reclamation of natural complexes, the rational use of water resources and the solution of environmental problems. At the same time, in addition to successfully conducting pedagogical activities, she actively participates in a number of scientific developments, as well as in fundamental and practical projects.
The new generation of physical-geographers of the department pay special attention not only to descriptive geographical research, but are engaged in geosystem analysis of natural-geographical complexes, landscape planning, geoecological problems necessary for the sustainable development of the natural environment.
It should be noted that the range of interests of the department staff is very wide, for example, Associate Professor M.T. Mirakmalov studies issues of physical and geographical terminology, toponymy and geographical linguistics, Z.S. Saidkarimov is in the assessment and forecast of landscape changes in the process of mining, R. Yusupov studies the role of exogenous processes in the development of natural-geographical complexes, Sh.M. Sharipov is in geoecology and landscape science, N.T. Shomuradova in the physical and geographical aspects of ecotourism, R.A. Ibragimova in physical and geographical zoning, B.Yu. Egamov conducts research devoted to the history of the formation of natural -scientific ideas, geomorphology, methods of geographic education.
Since 2019, Doctor of Geographical Sciences A.K. Urazbayev has been working at the department. During his scientific career, A.K. Urazbaev, based on of a systematic approach, using the method of relief plastics, he assessed the reclamation of irrigated areas in the modern Amu Darya delta. At present, the research work carried out under the leadership of A.K. Urazbayev is devoted to the introduction of systemic methods and relief plastics in different regions of Uzbekistan.
Currently, the staff of the department, in addition to providing students with theoretical knowledge in the field of physical geography and its sections, conduct physical-geographical, integrated, industrial and pedagogical practices.
Members of the department are working on:
– Geographical foundations of the relationship between man and nature;
– Study of the landscapes of Uzbekistan, their mapping and natural-geographical zoning;
– Study of the geoecological situation on the territory of Uzbekistan;
– Study of the influence of modern neotectonic movements on natural complexes;
– Modern toponymy and geographical terminology;
They also carry out research work in such areas as general and secondary education, the creation of teaching aids, textbooks, programs and methodological developments for higher educational institutions, academic lyceums and colleges.
The Department has an educational and methodological room named “Globus” named after Kh.Kh.Khasanov. A huge relief landscape globe is installed in the educational and methodological hall. Its weight is 490 kg., Horizontal scale is 1 cm -70,000 m, vertical scale is 1 cm -2000 m. Various meetings, talks and training sessions are held in the Globus Hall.
In recent years, members of the department have been working on the following funded projects:
1) OT-F6-062 – Orol havzasida kechayotgan gidrologik va tabiiy geografik jarayonlarning ayrim qonuniyatlarini tadqiq etish;
2) OT-F6-063- Evolution of the geological history of the development of the Quaternary period of Uzbekistan;
3) 5-013 “Identification of stratigraphic criteria for buried soils of loess Pleistocene deposits of the orogenic zone of Uzbekistan for geological survey work”;
4) 8-2 sonli “O’zbekiston ekoturistik rayonlari va marshrutlari kartasini yaratish” mavzuidagi amaliy tadqiqotlar;
5) No. 1/2010 raqamli “Morphostructural and morphometric analysis of the area where gold mining enterprises are located (Chadak and Angren gold processing plants)” business agreement (jointly with the GIDRANGEO Institute);
6) No. OT-ID / 11-8-2 “Toshkent viloyati tabiatini muhofaza qilish kartasini yaratish va chop etish”;
7) “Monitoring of border regions of Uzbekistan in places of influence of mining, processing and storage of wastes of mining and metallurgical enterprises of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan” (together with the GIDRANGEO Institute).
8) OT-ATab-2018-63 “O’zbekiston Respublikasining faol mintaqalaridagi ko’chki jarayonlarining Yer masofaviy zondlash mateiallari va geoinformasion texnologiyalar asosida kompleks o’rganish (Chirzchiq daryo haolida).
9) No. 9063- “O’zbekiston Respublikasi hududini qayta tiklanuvchi energiya manbalari asosida geografik rayonlashtirish”.
10) Uzb-Ind-2021-79 “Masofadan zondlash asosida O’zbekiston tog ‘tizmalaridagi muzliklarning degradasiya jarayoni dinamikasini o’rganish” (joint Indo-Uzbek international grant).
Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, who worked at the department in different years:
I.A. Skvortsov – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor
L.N. Babushkin – Doctor of Geology, Professor
N.D. Dolimov – Candidate of Geological Sciences, Associate Professor
H.H. Khasanov – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor
N.A. Kogai – Doctor of Geological Sciences, Professor.
Subjects taught at the department for bachelors and masters separately
No. | Subject name | Brief information about the subject |
Undergraduate | ||
1 | General physical geography | General natural-geographical laws, their essence, structure, components of the geographic envelope, lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere and their properties, territorial stratification of the geographic crust, teaching the geographical foundations of the relationship between man and nature, and acquiring skills and experience in applying geographical knowledge in using nature. |
2 | Geomorphology with the basics of geology | The shape, size, structure, composition, movement of the Earth, stages of development, geological processes and their role in the formation of the Earth’s relief, the relief of the Earth, relief elements, forms and types, laws of the distribution of relief types on the Earth’s surface, take them into account in various hydrological studies , teach them the importance of the lithosphere and endogenous geological processes in the formation of relief, as well as develop skills and experience in applying the knowledge gained in them in practice. |
3 | Geography of Uzbekistan | The history of the geographical study of the nature of Uzbekistan, the most important factors determining the nature of Uzbekistan, economic and political-geographical position, the potential of natural and mineral resources, their economic importance, demographic development, industries and territorial structure of the national economy, production development. potential, factors and problems of socio-economic development, natural-economic-geographical zoning of Uzbekistan and its scientific and practical significance. |
4 | Landscape science | Landscape science is a science that represents a wide range of science and practice and generates knowledge about the geosystems that make up the earth’s crust. |
5 | World geography | Formation, development, structure, components, relief, climate, water, soil, flora and fauna, landscapes, natural complexes of continents and oceans, economic and geographical analysis of countries and regions of the world. Knowledge of the place, population, features of socio-economic development, patterns of development of natural-geographical, geoecological, socio-economic and political processes in the Central Asian region in the “nature-population-economy” system and their management. |
6 | Geography and Nature Teaching Methods | Development of a methodology for teaching nature and geography, its relationship with other disciplines, its structure, content, teaching methods and techniques, the educational process. In this course, students are introduced to research methods, parts of the science and geography education process, didactic tools, learning information, the use of technical structures in teaching science and geography, and non-traditional and interactive lessons. |
7 | Innovative pedagogical technologies | Determination of the specifics and areas of application of innovative educational technologies, development of skills and competencies in the effective use of innovative educational technologies, provision of information about interactive lessons. |
8 | Geoecology and landscape ecology | Theoretical foundations of geoecology, geoecological factors and their types, geoecological problems, geoecological assessment, monitoring and forecasting, determination of geoecological indicators, geoecological problems and their solutions, assessment of geoecological problems, forecasting their monitoring and development, skills in the formation of geoecological mapping. |
9 | Geography research methods | Methods and techniques of scientific research; determine the stages of research and the amount of work on them; study of the patterns of formation and development of geosystems and their components and territorial socio-economic systems and their elements, collection and analysis of actual data in the field, mapping geosystems and their components and territorial socio-economic systems and their elements, the possibility of assessing geosystems, forecasting and management development, training in the study of issues of development of territorial-economic and social systems. |
10 | Applied Geography | On the main directions and methods of applied geography and research methods, scientific foundations of landscape research for the correct organization of the population and economic structure, methods of applying methods and techniques of applied geography in engineering and geographical urban planning, relevant knowledge, ways of solving global and regional ecological and geographical problems. |
11 | Geographic bases of nature management | Methods of field research of various geosystems, assessment of natural resources of individual territories, development of forecasts of the consequences of the use of natural resources, economic analysis and assessment of the resource potential of territories, environmental expertise and conclusions. |
12 | Geology and geomorphology | The shape, size, structure, composition, movement of the Earth, stages of development, geological processes and their role in the formation of the Earth’s relief, relief forms, elements, forms and types of relief, patterns of distribution of relief types on the surface, their various hydrological features. take into account when conducting research, teach the lithosphere and endogenous geological processes occurring in it, teach them the importance in the formation of relief and develop skills and experience in applying the knowledge accumulated in them in practice. |
Master’s degree | ||
1. | Geosystem’s theory | The concepts of the theory of geosystems, their scientific, theoretical and practical aspects with the active participation of undergraduates, the structure of geosystems in the magistracy, the object and subject of research, internal laws of development, problems of learning in secondary and higher education, practical aspects and the formation of the importance of knowledge and skills. |
2 | Applied Landscape Science | Assessment of landscapes, forecast of their development, rational use and protection of landscapes, anthropogenic landscapes, the use of this knowledge in solving modern environmental problems and the formation of skills. |
3 | Landscape planning | Conclusions on the rational use and protection of landscapes, a comprehensive study and analysis of the relationship between nature and humans, taking into account the ecological, resource and sustainable potential of geosystems in achieving environmental, economic and social sustainable development through the correct organization of the development of the region, also consists in the formation of skills. |
4 | Global climate change and its impact on the natural resources of Uzbekistan | Knowledge of the main meteorological quantities, events and factors, effective use of meteorological information in human activities, modern interpretation of the concept of the climate system, climate formation under the influence of climate-forming factors and processes, temperature, display and analysis of humidity areas, cloudiness and other climatic quantities describing various approaches to climate classifications and climate classifications based on them, which form knowledge about modern interpretations of the concepts of meso- and microclimate. |
5 | Toponymy of Uzbekistan | Formation of skills to use the acquired knowledge in solving problems such as toponyms, geographical terms, requirements, sources, laws of the distribution of geographical names, names and renaming of geographical objects in the territory of Uzbekistan. |
6 | Geographic place names | About education, change, types of geographical names, the content of geographical terms that form geographical names, their requirements, sources, laws of distribution of geographical names, naming and renaming of geographical objects, the formation of skills in the use of knowledge. |
Researchers of the department and their scientific work
No. | Full name | Position | Topic |
1 | Avezov M.M. | Lecturer | Natural-geographical basis for the formation and distribution of toponyms in the Bukhara region. |
2 | Safarov E.D. | Lecturer | Assess the impact of hazardous natural processes on engineering structures of the Charvak free tourism zone |
3 | Khakimov K.A. | Lecturer | The use of landscape planning in the nature management of the Bakhmal region |
4 | Ergasheva Yu.Kh. | Lecturer | Natural and geographical aspects of the use of atmospheric water vapor as an alternative source of fresh water in Uzbekistan |
5 | Boymuradov D.O. | Lecturer | Recreational and tourist assessment of the Amirsoy basin |
6 | Sabitov T.Yu. | Lecturer | Modeling the impact of climatic factors on the environment of the Pskem river basin. |
Information about local and foreign partners.
Foreign partners of the department:
- Salzburg University
- University of Malaga
- Kazan Federal University
- Institute of Deserts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan
Local partners:
- Institute of Seismology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Institute HYDROINGEO of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection
- Cadastral agency
- Republican educational center
- Republican toponymic service.
The department has strong ties with leading universities in foreign countries. In particular, the department signed an agreement with the department of physical geography and landscape of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. On the basis of an agreement, the head of the department is M.T. Mirakmalov. in October 2019, he improved his qualifications at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University.
In turn, students of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University in January-February 2020 visited the Faculty of Geography of the National University of Uzbekistan and underwent an internship at the educational and industrial practice “Charvak”. Lectures were given by leading professors and teachers of the department.
This cooperation continues to this day.
List of department staff
No. | Full name | Position | Scientific title | Science degree | Email: |
1 | Mirakmalov M.T. | Head of the Department | D.G. (DSc) | Assistant professor | mir1970ali@mail.ru |
2 | Sabitova N.I. | Professor | D.G. | Professor | nellisabitova@mail.ru |
3 | Urazbayev A.K. | Professor | D.G. | Assistant professor | urazbayev1955@mail.ru |
4 | Bakhritdinov B.A. | Professor | D.G. | senior researcher | |
5 | Abdunazarov U.K. | Assistant professor | Ph.D. | Assistant professor | ukaabdunazarov@umail.uz |
6 | Shamurotova N.T. | Assistant professor | Ph.D. | Assistant professor | nigora_shamuratova@mail.ru |
7 | Ibragimova R.A. | Assistant professor | Ph.D. | Assistant professor | r.ibragimova@nuu.uz |
8 | Avezov M.M. | Teacher | muxriddin_avezov@mail.ru | ||
9 | Safarov E.D. | Teacher | elbek.safarov@inbox | ||
Internal part-timers | |||||
10 | Sharipov Sh.M. | Assistant professor | Ph.D. | Assistant professor | shavkat.sharipov.1977@mail.ru |
11 | Sabitov T.Yu. | Teacher | Ph.D. PhD | sabitov.ty@gmail.com | |
12 | Ergasheva Yu.Kh. | Teacher | Ph.D. PhD | unusual_girl93@mail.ru | |
13 | Khakimov K.A. | Teacher | k.khakimov@nuu.uz | ||
14 | Boymuradov D.U. | Teacher | d.boymurodov@bk.ru | ||
External part-timers | |||||
15 | Nizomov A. | Assistant professor | PhD in geological min. | Assistant professor | |
16 | Petrov M.A. | Assistant professor | PhD in geological min. | senior researcher | |
17 | Rafikova N.A. | Assistant professor | Ph.D. PhD | senior researcher | |
18 | Shomurodova Sh.G. | Assistant professor | Ph.D. PhD |
- Information about the scientific laboratory (if any)
- Circles of scientific interest
The “Geography and Ecotourism” circle was created to help students spend their free time meaningfully, expand and strengthen their theoretical knowledge. The club has a charter, program and calendar of events, according to which events are held once a month.