Scientific councils

Information about the scientific councils for the award of academic degrees at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek (2022)

Scientific advice  order, date  cipher  Name of specialties  Full name, academic degree and title of chairman and academic secretary  
1.DSc.03/30.12.2019.FM.01.01 (physics and mathematics)  31.12.2021y.       № 310/201.01.01 01.01.04 one-time; 13.00.02   01.01.03   01.01.05   01.01.06Mathematical analysis; Geometry and topology;   Theory and methods of teaching (by industry); Computational and discrete mathematics; Probability theory and mathematical statistics; Algebrad.p.m.s, Prof., Academician Sadullaev Azimboy Sadullaevich – Chairman Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Assoc. Mamadaliev Nodirbek Kamoliddinovich – Academic Secretary
2.DSc.03/30.12.2019.FM.01.09 (physics and mathematics)    31.12.2021 y.       № 310/201.04.02 one-time; 13.00.02Theoretical physics   Theory and methods of teaching (by industry)d.p.m.s, Prof., Acad. Musakhanov Mirzayusuf Mirzamakhmudovich – Chairman d.f.-m.f., prof. Fayzullaev Biruniy Amanullaevich – Academic Secretary
3.DSc.03/30.12.2019.K.01.03 (chemical sciences)  31.12.2021 y.      № 310/202.00.01 02.00.02 02.00.03 02.00.04 one-time; 13.00.02   02.00.05   02.00.09 02.00.06 02.00.14   05.06.02Inorganic chemistry; Analytical chemistry; Organic chemistry; Physical chemistry   Theory and methods of teaching (by industry); Chemistry and technology of cellulose and pulp and paper production Chemistry of goods; High molecular weight compounds; Technology of organic substances and materials based on them; Technology of textile materials and primary processing of raw materialsDoctor of Chemistry, prof. Smanova Zulakho – Chairman Doctor of Chemistry, Assoc. Gafurova Dilfuza Anvarovna – Academic Secretary
4.DSc.03/27.02.2020.V.01.15 (biological sciences)    31.12.2021 y.       № 310/203.00.10 one-time; 03.00.16 11.00.05   13.00.02Ecology   Hydrobiology; Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources; Theory and methods of teaching (by industry)d.b.s, prof. Sherimbetov Sanzhar Gulmirzaevich – Chairman PhD, Assoc. Allaberdiev Rustamjon Khamraevich – Academic Secretary
5.DSc.03/30.12.2019.FM.01.02 (physics and mathematics)    31.12.2021 y.       № 310/201.01.03   05.01.02   05.01.05   05.01.07   one-time; 13.00.02   05.01.03Computational and discrete mathematics; System analysis, management and information processing; Methods and systems of information security. Information Security; Math modeling. Numerical methods and software packages   Theory and methods of teaching (by industry); Theoretical foundations of computer scienced.p.m..s., prof. Aripov Mirsaid Mirsiddikovich – Chairman d.p.m.s. Rakhmonov Zafar Ravshanovich – Academic Secretary
6.DSc.03/30.12.2019.Tar.01.04 (historical sciences)31.12.2021 y.       № 310/207.00.01 one-time; 07.00.02  History of Uzbekistan   History of science and technologyd.h.s., prof. Yunusova Khurshida Erkinovna – Chairman Candidate of History, PhD  Togaev Zhasur Erkinovich – Academic Secretary
7.DSc.03/30.12.2019.I.01.11 (Economic sciences)31.12.2021 y.       № 310/208.00.01   08.00.12  Economic theory;   Regional economyDoctor of Economics, prof. Sodikov Avaz Madaminovich – Chairman Ph.D. Assoc. Mambetzhanov Kahramon Kurbandurdievich – Academic Secretary
8.DSc.03/30.12.2019.F.01.05 (philosophical sciences)      31.12.2021 y.       № 310/209.00.01 09.00.02   09.00.03 09.00.04Ontology, epistemology and logic; Philosophy of forms of consciousness, culture and practice (title); History of Philosophy; social philosophyd.p.s., prof. Ergashev Ibodulla – Chairman, prof. Ruzmatova Gulnoza Mirahrorovna – scientific secretary
9.DSc.03/30.12.2019.F.01.14 (philosophical sciences)  31.12.2021 y.       № 310/209.00.05   09.00.06Technologies of propaganda of the national idea; History and methodology of, prof. Shermukhamedova Nigina Arslanovna – Chairman, Assoc. Mukhammadiyeva Oynisa Mustakulovna – Academic Secretary
10.DSc.03/25.08.2021.Fil.01.16 (philological sciences)  31.12.2021 y.       № 310/210.00.01 10.00.02 05.01.09Uzbek language; Uzbek literature; Document management. Archiving. library, prof. Boltaboev Hamidulla Ubaydullaevich – Chairman Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assoc. Abdurakhmonova Nilufar – scientific secretary
11.DSc.03/30.12.2019.Fil.01.10 (philological sciences)    31.12.2021 y.       № 310/210.00.04   10.00.06      Languages ​​and literature of the peoples of Europe, America and Australia; Comparative Literary Studies, Comparative Linguistics and Translation Studies;, prof. Sheremetyeva Anna Gennadievna – Chairman PhD, Assoc. – Abdullayeva Nargiza Erkinovna – Academic Secretary
12.DSc.03/30.12.2019.G01.06 (geographic sciences)31.12.2021 y.       № 310/211.00.01 11.00.02   one-time; 06.01.03 06.01.10   11.00.05   11.00.06 13.00.02Physical geography; Economic and social geography;     Agrosoil science and agrophysics; Land management, cadastre and land monitoring; Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources; Geodesy. Cartography; Theory and methods of teaching (by industry)d.g.s., prof. Sabitova Naila Ismailovna – Chairman Ph.D., Assoc. Sharipov Shavkat Mukhamazhanovich – Academic Secretary
13.DSc.03/30.12.2019.Psi.01.07 (psychology science)31.12.2021 y.       № 310/219.00.01     19.00.05   one-time; 19.00.03   19.00.04   19,00,06History and theory of psychology. General psychology. Psychology of Personality; Social Psychology. Ethnopsychology;     Psychology of professional activity of a person (title); Medical and special psychology; Age and pedagogical psychology. Developmental psychologyd.p.s., prof. Mukhamedova Dilbar Gafurjanovna – Chairman d.p.s., prof. Rasulov Abdimumin Ibragimovich – Academic Secretary
14.DSc.03/30.12.2019.Ss.01.08 (political science)31.12.2021 y.       № 310/223.00.01     23.00.02   23.00.03Theory and philosophy of politics. History and methodology of political doctrines; Political institutions, processes and technologies; Political culture and ideologyd.p.s., prof. Pakhrutdinov Shukhritdin Ilyasovich – Chairman Candidate of Sciences, PhD – Mirzaahmedov Kamoliddin – Academic Secretary