Date of establishment of the department: 1921.
Department Naumov S.N. (1921-1930), Academician of the RFA Sukervanik I.P. (1931-1967), prof. Abdurasuleva A.R. (1967-1984), prof. Yuldashev H.Y. (1984-1992), Professor Akhmedov Q.N. (1993-2008), Assoc. Tajimuhamedov H.S. (2009-2012), Ph.D. Assoc. Akhmedov O.Ch. (2013-2014), Ph.D. Khalikov T.S. (2015 to date).
Educational and methodological works. “Organic Chemistry”, “Theory of Structure of Organic Compounds”, Mechanisms of Organic Reactions, Chemistry (Organic Chemistry), Chemistry of Natural and Synthetic Dyes, Modern Methods in Organic Chemistry, Gases and Liquids in Organic Chemistry General courses such as chromatography, chemistry of heterocyclic compounds, lectures, seminars and laboratory sessions are held.
The professors of the department have published the following textbooks and manuals: H.M. Shokhidoyatov, H.O’. Khojaniyozov, H.S. Tojimuhamedov Organic chemistry textbook, A.G. Azimov, H.S. Tojimuhamedov, O’.Ch. Ahmedov Fundamentals of petroleum chemistry., Ahmedov K.N., Yuldasheva M.R., “Methods of organic chemistry”-part 2, K.N. Akhmedov, X.Y. Yoldoshev, O’.Ch. Akhmedov “Methods of organic chemistry”-part 1 textbooks H.O’. Khojaniyozov, T. Jumakulov, J.E. Turdibayev, H.S. Tojimuhamedov “Organic chemistry” textbook and a number of methodological manuals were published.