The department was founded in 1945 by the initiative of such great scientists as professors N.L. Korzhenevsky, V.M. Chetirkin, V.L. Shuls, O.P. Sheglova. These scientists founded the scientific school “Hydrology of Mountainous Regions” in these years.
From the 50s of the last century, geographers and hydrologists, and later engineers and hydrologists, began to be trained at the department.
After the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, since 1995, the department has started training bachelors of hydrometeorology, and since 2001, masters.
In different years, professors V.L. Shul’s, O.P. Chub, E.I. Chembarisov, associate professors Z.V. Georgio, R. Mashrapov, P.M. Mashukov, N.K. Lukina, L.I. Shalatova, I.R. Rasulov, E.M. Videneeva, M.A. Nosirov, G.E. Glazirin, G .N. Trofimov , famous scientists such as Z.S.Sirliboyeva worked.
On the basis of the orders of the Hydrometeorological Service Center of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Water Management, the State Committee for Nature Protection and other organizations, the department began training masters of hydrology from 2020. To date, the department has trained more than 1,500 hydrological engineers, bachelors of hydrology, and more than 50 masters of hydrology. More than 40 of them have obtained the doctor of science degree, and more than 250 have obtained the scientific degree of candidate of science.
Currently, 1 doctor of science professor, 4 candidate of science associate professors, 2 senior teachers, 2 teachers and 1 basic doctoral student are conducting scientific-pedagogical activities in the department. In addition, during the training process, students were given knowledge from the Scientific Research Institute of Hydrometeorology under the Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan. DSc G. Mamajonova, Ph.D., Assoc. Scientists such as B. E. Nishonov will participate.
Full-time and part-time education in the department 65030800-Hydrology (Terrestrial hydrology), 75030801-Hydrology (on the objects of study) master’s degree, post-graduate 11.00.03-Terrestrial hydrology . Water resources. A basic doctoral (PhD) and doctoral (DSc) continuing education system has been launched in the field of hydrochemistry.
Graduates of the department work in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Hydrometeorological Service Center, the system of the Ministry of Water Management, the Uzbekhydroenergo joint-stock company, the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and network scientific research institutes. they show
The main educational courses of the department – introduction to hydrology, geophysics, hydraulics, hydrometry, hydrography, hydrophysics, hydrochemistry, hydrology basics, hydrogeology, meliorational hydrology, glaciology, terrestrial water protection, statistical methods and mathematical modeling in hydrology, oceanology, river flow dynamics and their effective use, the impact of climate change on the potential of Uzbekistan’s natural resources, river flow calculation, water technical research, hydrotechnical facilities, effective use of water resources, hydrology and climatology.
The sustainable development of all sectors of the national economy of our country, especially agriculture and industry, is directly related to the efficient use of available water resources. Based on this point of view, the subject of scientific and research work carried out in the department is: surface water resources of the island basin; mountain glaciers; formation laws of rivers; hydrometeorological regime of lakes; It is aimed at the comprehensive study of the laws of the hydrological regime of water reservoirs and their protection.
Terrestrial hydrology
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department
Scientific activity
№ | The full name of the research professor | Academic degree, title | Dissertation topic |
1. | Erlapasov Narzikul Bakhromovich | Features of the saturation of mountain rivers due to underground water |
International cooperation
The Department of Terrestrial Hydrology has established cooperation with the Scientific Research Institute of Hydrometeorology under Uzgidromet, Karakalpak State University, Scientific Research Institute of Water Problems, Freiburg University of Germany, Taraz University of Kazakhstan, and Moscow State University of Russia.