Forming a healthy lifestyle, creating conditions for the young generation to regularly engage in physical education and sports, strengthening the confidence of young people in their will, strength and capabilities through sports competitions, courage and patriotism, to the Motherland large-scale works aimed at developing feelings of loyalty, as well as systematic organization of selection of talented athletes from among young people, and further development of physical education and sports are being carried out.
Sports management
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | The researcher is responsible for the study of the professor-teacher F.I.Sh you know what? | Academic degree, title | The theme of the dissertation work |
1 | Ravshanov G‘olib Xamrokulovich | Teacher | Improvement of movement training of 16-18-year-old ospirs through basic gymnastic means |
2 | Abdullaev Ilxom Xushnudovich | Teacher | Distinction of assessment of the course of physical training of academic littsey students on Physical Education |
3 | Murodov Kamoliddin Nuritdinovich | Teacher | Technology of development of strength endurance of wrestlers on the basis of the use of special simulators and exercises in freestyle wrestling |
4 | Karimova Nargiza Xudoyberganovna | Teacher | Technology of improving the health and physical training of women through swimming lessons |
5 | Davidov Bobur Baxodir | Trainee teacher | Technology of improving the management and directing system of mass sports events in Uzbekistan |
International cooperation
L.N.Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between the Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov (NIU) and the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, starting from November 1, 2021, the head of the Department of “psychology”, associate Professoretetalina Aliya Saktaganovna has been conducting lectures on “management psychology” at the Faculty of “Taekwondo and sports activities” of the National University of Uzbekistan on “Sport Management”. In this course, students of Uzbekistan show themselves on the curious and active side. Within the framework of this agreement, in December 2021, the Department of “sports management” of Uzmu, Associate Professor Bakiyev Zafar Abdushukurovich passed the course of lectures for students of Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov on the subject of “Psychology of Management”.