Mamadaliev Buzrukhoja Khairullaevich – head of the Devonkhana
100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Monday – Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 71 246 02 24
1. The Cabinet Office is considered an independent structural department of the university, subordinate to the rector based on the university charter.
2. Cabinet Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decrees, Decisions and Orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decisions, Decrees, Laws, Orders, Orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decisions adopted by the Council, Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan operates on the basis of the rules of the Central State Archives Department and the Tashkent City State Archives, the orders and instructions implemented in the university, and the relevant regulatory and procedural documents of the Republic. 3. The office registers document acceptance, external and internal incoming and outgoing letters, correspondence, internal orders of the university and hands them over to the responsible staff.
4. The office and archive store documents and carry out work in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations, that is: – Registration of documents in business; – Monitoring of execution; – Cancellation of expired documents;
5. There is a round seal with the name of the university, a seal for registering applications of individuals and legal entities, and a square stamp for confirming documents in the office.
6. Together with the head of the office, the administrator and the employees of the archive department, he creates the university nomenclature in agreement with the State Archives of the city of Tashkent, signs it in agreement with the rector, and applies it to the departments for work.
1. Organization of work at the university, compliance with and improvement of business discipline requirements, ensuring confidentiality in the process of working with documents.
2. To ensure the use of seals and stamps in business, their accounting and storage.
3. Controlling the correct management of documents in the departments, keeping the logbooks of incoming and outgoing letters based on the existing university nomenclature in the Cabinet Office.
4. To organize the timely transfer of documents to the archive that have expired.
5. Control of departments and journals in the structural structure of the university, timely and correct recording of entry and exit documents.
6. Receive letters and documents and send a timely reply.
7. Distribution of documents related to deaneries and departments.
8. Taking measures to improve the skills of cabinet and archive workers.
9. The Cabinet is responsible for ensuring the fulfillment of all tasks assigned to it by this Regulation and other regulatory legal documents. 10. The cabinet has its own circular seal. This seal is kept in the head office of the office.
Duties of employees of the office To perform service duties honestly and conscientiously. Observance of labor discipline, internal procedures of the university, not allowing documents to be released without the permission of the management. Timely and quality execution of management orders and orders. Ensuring the integrity and preservation of all documents related to the university, the protection of documents, and the rules of technical safety. Compliance with the requirements of industrial hygiene (keeping the university property clean).
Duties of the office manager:
- Cabinet of Ministers No. 12 of February 12, 1999 “On Strengthening Executive Discipline”, No. 140 of March 29, 1999 “Regulations on Conducting Work in State Power Bodies and Departments of the Republic of Uzbekistan Decisions “On approval of documents and organization of enforcement control” of the Ministry No. 58 of February 18, 2015 “On approval of the instruction on organization of work in the ministry and control of execution of documents” organization of quality control of works in this regard in accordance with the order of execution of documents;
- – Organizing the correct registration of documents received from the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Office of the President, the Cabinet of Ministers and other ministries, offices, organizations, and their timely registration and delivery to the executors;
- – Ensuring the correct formalization of documents issued by the university;
- – Immediate delivery of incoming documents (JFC-JOB FLOW CONTROL) to executors through an automated program;
- – Documenting management activities, sending letters and compiling and formalizing internal documents;
- – Organization of control over the execution of documents;
- – according to the Rector’s instructions, deliver the documents to those in charge for timely execution;
- – Checking that the documents to be sent with the signature of the rector (vice-rector) are recorded and properly formalized;
- – Accounting of university forms;
- – To work in cooperation with departments and develop relevant measures to improve the established procedures for working with business and documents;
- – Together with the employees of the Cabinet Office and Archive Department, drawing up the university nomenclature in agreement with the State Archives of Tashkent City, signing it in agreement with the rector and applying it to the departments for business;
- -Increasing one’s skills and experience in the work process and ensuring the introduction of new directions in work activities;
- – Providing information to the rector of the university about all the work done in the office service;
- – Registration of written appeals received by individuals and legal entities to the cabinet department, immediate delivery to the management and their acceptance by the management of the ministry and the sending of appropriate responses based on the provisions of the law;
- – Taking measures to improve the qualifications of the employees of the department;
- -Sew the executed documents into bundles;
- – Prepares and submits documents for submission to the departmental archive within the specified period;