Head of the trade union department
- 100174 University str 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
- Monday-Friday, 14:00-17:00
- +998 71 246-63-65
- kasaba@nuu.uz
The trade union conducts its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Trade Unions, Guarantees of Their Rights and Activities”, “On Public Associations”, “On Non-Governmental Non-Commercial Organizations”. “On” laws, the Trade Union of Education, Science and Culture Employees operates on the basis of the Charter of the Republican Council and other legal documents. Currently, the professor-teacher and staff trade union committee is functioning as an independent organization and has united 1646 trade union members in its ranks.
The trade union committee has a multidisciplinary organizational structure, i.e. there are 10 faculties, a regional center for retraining and professional development of pedagogical personnel under UzMU, 1 academic lyceum, 25 primary trade union organizations. primary trade union chairpersons operate in each of them.
9 commissions operate in the trade union committee:
- Audit Committee
- Spiritual-educational and sports commission
- Housing and Social Affairs Commission
- Labor protection and technical safety commission
- Organizational Affairs Commission
- Social Insurance Commission
- Commission for the protection of labor rights of workers and employees
- Youth Affairs Commission
- Commission on Women and Girls
The general activities of the professor-teacher and staff trade union committee are as follows:
It protects the constitutional rights of university employees to work, to freely choose work and profession, to work in fair working conditions, and to be protected from unemployment, regardless of their nationality, gender, age, and religious belief. They support the introduction and observance of the social fair system of remuneration and work order for teachers-employees. He takes an active part in raising the spiritual and educational level of professors and employees, and meaningfully organizes their free time and rest. Monitors compliance with the requirements of labor legislation, labor protection and environmental protection laws in relation to teachers and employees and provides their legal protection. They help teachers-employees and their family members to improve their health and regularly engage in sports. Takes the initiative in resolving labor disputes arising in the team