Head of Strategic Planning and Finance Department
- 100174 University str 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
- Monday-Friday, 09:00-17:00
- +998712460220
The plan – the finance department will do the following:
- To ensure the implementation of the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education, Presidential Decrees, Orders, Decisions, Decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers, Decisions and orders of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, and university orders related to the department’s activities, and monitoring;
- Drawing up current and future work plans of the university and ensuring their implementation;
- Implementation of the planning and organization of financial activities of the University;
- Ensure preparation of all financial estimates of the University;
- Ensuring the structure of the university staff table;
- Lead, control and ensure execution of prospective and annual income and expenditure estimates for all types of financial activities;
- Ensuring and controlling the proper use of the labor and monetary resources allocated to ensure the work of the university, as well as the funds received at the expense of students receiving education on the basis of a fee-contract;
- Participation in formalization of documents on financial incentives for university employees;
- Continuous monitoring of the execution of economic contracts and special funds estimates and improving their effectiveness;
Regularly control the compliance of the salaries of the positions assigned to university employees with the approved discharge and definition coefficients; - To ensure the proper use of the funds specified in the estimate for their purposes, to avoid unnecessary or excessive spending;
- In drawing up an estimate of expenses and income, professor-teacher, teaching assistant, administrative-management and service provider based on the model staff table approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Finance composition of personnel;
- Timely submission of financial estimates and quarterly reports related to the balance sheet report to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education;
- Participation in the formalization of applications for hiring, dismissal or transfer of employees;
- Determining the monthly salaries of employees in accordance with the approved staff schedule;