Head of the department for formation and coordination of educational programs
- 100174 University str 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
- Monday - Friday, 09:00 - 17:00
- +998 71 246 39 63
- farxod_frd@bk.ru
Employees of the department:
- Akramov Ortiqboy Akramovich – stylist;
- Sadiqova Saida Abdurakhmonovna – stylist;
- Djamankulova Gulbakhor Begashovna – stylist;
- Yuldashev Shokhrukh Ilkhomjon’s son – stylist;
- Mirtursunov, son of Sirojiddin Zukhriddin, stylist;
- Abdurahmanov Abdumutal Abdujabbar’s son – stylist.
- Yangibayev Abduqadir Azimovich – dispatcher;
Tasks of the department:
- State educational standards, qualification requirements, training and work curricula based on the established requirements, improvement, monitoring and control of coordination;
- Departments keep track of educational workloads, monitor additional workloads and control coordination;
- Forming educational programs and ensuring their compliance with international standards and educational legislation;
- To study and plan, coordinate and analyze the distribution of academic loads performed by professors and teachers of the university, the staff schedule of professors and teachers;
- Based on the time standards, determining the size and composition of the educational loads, educational-methodical and organizational-methodical works that the professors-teachers, department heads and faculty deans of the university must perform during the academic year;
- Together with the faculties and departments, reviewing the departments’ working curricula, curricula of subjects and other types of academic documents;
- Regularly improving the state educational standards, curricula, science programs in each educational field based on the experience of developed countries and the requirements of the times.