At the National University of Uzbekistan on August 10 this year through the Zoom platform with the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education dated July 16, 2021 ” Oliy ta’limning Davlat standartlarini tasdiqlash to’g’risidagi ” No. 311 A seminar-training on methodological cooperation in the organization of the educational process of undergraduate and graduate specialties of higher education was held.
Rector of the National University of Uzbekistan Inom Madjidov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Shukhrat Toshmatov, Vice-Rector for Methodology and Quality Control of Education Ravshan Musurmanov, Head of the Information Technology Center Lyudmila Varlamova, Director of the Information Resource Center Irina Kislytsina and related universities (Andijan State University, Bukhara) took part in the seminar. State University, Gulistan State University, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Namangan State University, Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Tashkent State Transport University, Termez State University, Urgench State University, Karshi State University, Karshi Engineering and Economics Institute, Karakalpak State University, Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports) and vice-rectors for academic affairs and heads of educational departments.
At the seminar-training, the rector of the National University of Uzbekistan Inom Madjidov noted that training is a long-term process, which requires from each of us diligence, perseverance, consistent work and responsibility. Then Shukhrat Toshmatov, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the National University of Uzbekistan, spoke about the qualification requirements, curricula and science programs developed at the National University of Uzbekistan for the 2021-2022 academic year in accordance with the approved state educational standards. Also on the official website of the university at the initiative of the rector of National University of Uzbekistan Inom Madjidov Ravshan Musurmanov, Vice-Rector for Methodological Support and Quality Control of Education, Irina Kislytsina, Director of the Information Resource Center reported.
At the end of the seminar-training, the participants agreed to organize such seminars in the near future. This seminar left a good and meaningful impression on all participants.
Information Service of the National University of Uzbekistan