Creation of an electronic transdisciplinary platform for the complex of religious and national values ​​of the Uzbek people.

Scientific adviser: Yusupova Dildora Dilshatovna

Implementation period: 04/01/2021-12/31/2022.

Project code: A-OT-2021

Project type: Innovative

Expected results and their importance: This project is aimed at creating an electronic transdisciplinary platform for the complex of religious and national values ​​of the Uzbek people. The logical structure of this platform consists of 3 blocks:

1) Creation of a new scientific paradigm and methodology for the study of religious and national values.

2) Creation of transdisciplinary networks of innovative electronic portal and providing it with electronic methodological developments.

3) Dissemination of information created in the first and second block of the logical structure in an electronic methodological manual, monograph, articles in international and republican scientific journals; Mass media, the electronic site “Religious and national values ​​of the Uzbek people” and blocks of the same name in the network of mobile messengers.

4) Creation of an electronic site “Religious and national values ​​of the Uzbek people”.

There are three blocks in the site network:

1) Historical-philosophical, scientific traditions of studying our national and religious values.

2) Family and gender values ​​in our national and religious heritage.

3) Our national and religious heritage consists of the values ​​of education and human upbringing.

              The content of the website will consist of a creative library providing a system of religious and national values ​​of the Uzbek people, an electronic industry dictionary, a gallery of national film and photo documents, personal biographies and oral historical interviews, video lectures, as well as a channel for online and offline scientific and educational discussions. This portal promotes fundamental scientific works in the nature of transdisciplinary popularization of methodological, interdisciplinary studies of religious studies, history, philosophy and other humanities for the general public, especially for the youth audience, for the formation of analytical, logical, creative thinking in them, rational foundations of religious and national values ​​of the Uzbek people, traditional work on the formation in order to form feelings of love for the road, history, motherland, responsibility and patriotism. The site will be created in Uzbek, Russian and English.

              Through religious, national and spiritual values ​​in society, among representatives of society, social and humanitarian sciences, and in particular, in a wide audience of young people, through the culture of science, the culture of thinking, the formation of a conscious attitude to the issues of the Motherland, nation and family from the point of view of the position of the individual , the history of the country, the future prospects of its people, aimed at forming a stereotype of an approach from the standpoint of critical thinking based on the education of religious and national values.

              Important results achieved during the reporting period (at the end of the project): During the first stage of the project, 3 scientific monographs, 1 glossary, 1 sociological program, 3 scientific online journals, 2 scientific articles in journals indexed in the international Scopus index. database, 2 articles in foreign scientific journals, 11 articles in local scientific journals, 6 abstracts at international scientific and practical conferences, 4 abstracts at local scientific and practical conferences, 1 newspaper article, 34 publications in total (the list of publications is given in the appendix), as well as 1 certificate, 2 agreements, 1 cooperation agreement, 3 memorandums of cooperation, 1 round table within the framework of the project (04/06/2021), 102 questions of the program “Great Figures”, prepared jointly with UzMTRK “TV channel History of Uzbekistan”, several times radio and television programs “22” were conducted. The planned research work was carried out during the project.


– a new scientific paradigm and methodology for the study of religious and national values ​​has been created;

– developed transdisciplinary networks of innovative electronic portal;

– Religious and national values ​​of the Uzbek people: an electronic site and an electronic transdisciplinary platform of the complex of religious and national values ​​of the Uzbek people were created;

– national and religious values ​​were analyzed within the framework of such issues as historical, philosophical, scientific traditions, family and gender, education and upbringing of a person;

– developed a methodology for studying national and religious values ​​on the basis of social, cultural, household, political, state traditions;

– family and gender issues were covered on the basis of historical sources, archival documents, personal biographies and oral historical interviews;

– the main factors influencing the formation of a person’s self in the dynamics of education, upbringing, family and social environment are determined;

– a dictionary related to the sphere, a national film and photo gallery, video lectures, online and offline scientific and educational discussions were organized, a creative library was created that provides a system of religious and national values ​​​​of the Uzbek people.

– Conducted sociological surveys in the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan.

– On June 28, 2022, within the framework of the project, a republican scientific and practical conference was held on the topic “Religious and national values ​​of the Uzbek people”.

– 1 certificate was received within the framework of the project.

– Scientific and educational discussions were organized with the participation of scientists within the framework of the topic devoted to the ideas of human perfection and creativity, reflected in the religious values ​​and scientific heritage of the Uzbek people.

– A trip was organized to the Bukhara and Samarkand regions in order to announce the religious and national values ​​​​of the Uzbek people with the participation of experts from different regions on the site.


1. Madaeva Sh., Sobirova Yu., Yusupova D., Kumusheva M. Scientific development for the project and program “Sociological study A-OT-2021, conducted as part of the Innovation Project” // Certificate of the Intellectual Property Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan / December 3, 2021 Certificate No. 004035.

International scientific papers published in the SCOPUS database as part of the project.

  1. Namozova Yu.M. Content and Significance Of The Jadid Education System // International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science. SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS. p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online) Issue: 10. Volume: 102  SCOPUS. ASCC: 3300. – Philadelphia, USA 202 – P. 988-991.
  2. Кабулниязова Г.Т. Компаративный анализ представлений Джалаладдина Руми, Анри Бергсона и Шри Ауробиндо Гхоша об интуиции и духовной любви // Вопросы философии научно–теоретический журнал. – Москва: № 11. SCOPUS. – С. 189–197.