Today, a meeting was held with academics working at the National University of Uzbekistan with the participation of the Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and innovation Otabek Mahimov.
It was attended by academics Shavkat Ayupov, Shavkat Alimov, Abdulla A’zamov, Azimboy Sa’dullaev, Djavvat Hadjiev, Mirzayusuf Musakhanov, Komil Muqimov, Bakriddin Zaripov, Ravshan Sobirov, Djuraqul Sattorov, Talat Saatov and Laziza Gafurov.
In his introduction, Inom Madjidov, rector of NUUz, who took part in this event, noted that the contribution of academics is great in the development of the field of Science and the promotion of Science and technology to a new level. The deputy minister spoke with academics and listened to their proposals and initiatives aimed at developing the field of Science and higher education, gave a solution and reacted on the issues raised at the meeting.

Information service of NUUz