A.A.Matkarimova – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 71
The department of botany and plant physiology was founded in 2005 as a result of the merger of the department of plant physiology and the Botanical educational and scientific center. At present, it is headed by the candidate of agricultural sciences Matkarimova Anardzhan Abdikarimovna. The Botanical educational and scientific center was established in 1995 on the basis of the department of higher plants, which established in 1924. The founder and first head of the department of higher plants was professor Mikhail Grigorievich Popov. He headed the department from 1924 to 1926. Then the department was headed by Doctor of biological sciences, professor, honored scientist of Uzbekistan, academician of the academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, corresponding member – Yevgeny Petrovich Korovin (1926-1961). Academy of sciences of Uzbekistan, Ippolit Ivanovich Granitov (1961-1980), candidate of biological sciences, professor Hoshim Melievich Akhunov (1980-1995), doctor of biological sciences, professor Uktam Pratovich Pratov (1995-2005).
The department of plant physiology was founded in 1920. The founder of the department and professor for many years (1920-1930, 1941-1945) was the honored scientist of Uzbekistan Andrei Vasilievich Blagoveshchensky. Blagoveshchensky Andrey Vasilievich took an active part in the creation of the botanical society in Turkestan in 1921 and headed it in 1921-1930 and 1941-1945. Later, the department of plant physiology was headed by associate professor N.D. Leonov (1945-1948), associate professor P.G. Marsakova (1948-1949), associate professor N.A. Todorov (1949-1973), Doctor of biological sciences, professor of the academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan academician Akmaljon Kasimovich Kasymov (1973-1976), candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Yuldash Akhmedovich Akhmedov (1976-1988), doctor of biological sciences, professor Karimjon Safarovich Safarov (1988-1997), candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Damir Kamilovich Asomov (1998-2005).
The department of botany and plant physiology was headed by doctor of biological sciences, professor Beknazarov Begali Ochilovich (2005-2011), doctor of biological sciences, professor Yuldashev Akramzhan Sultanmuratovich (2011-2014), candidate of agricultural sciences Matkarimova Anardzhan Abdukarimovna (2014-2016).
School of Botany
Popov Mikhail Grigorievich (1893-1955). A major florist, taxonomist, geobiologist, florageneticist, theorist of the history of the flora of Eurasia. Corresponding member of the Ukrainian academy of sciences, author of over 160 scientific papers. 10 of them are monographs. He is the author of such works as “Flora of the Bukhara Lowland” (Tashkent, 1923), “Main features of the flora of Central Asia” (Tashkent, 1927), “System of indoor plants”, “Floragenetic foundations” (Moscow, Leningrad, 1963). The scientist’s works are devoted to botany-geography, floragenetics, flora, systematics and the origin of the flora of Eurasia. In addition, he published many works on the flora of individual regions, the origin of wild and cultivated species. M.G. Popov is a great classical scientist who made a great contribution to the development of botany. He presented to science hundreds of unknown species and dozens of categories. Studied the most complex and largest families around the world. Works recognized by botanists around the world have retained their value for centuries.
Korovin Evgeny Petrovich (1891-1963) – geobiologist, ecologist, taxonomist, florist, doctor of biological sciences, professor, academician of the Russian academy of sciences, honored scientist of the Republic of Uzbekistan. E.P. Korovin created 215 scientific, theoretical and practical works. These include “Scaligerian species and their phylogeny” (Tashkent, 1928), “Ecological types of deserts of Central Asia and Kazakhstan” (Tashkent, 1934), “Vegetation cover of Central Asia and South Kazakhstan” (Tashkent, 1934), “Geobotanical Map of Uzbekistan” (Tashkent, 1949), “Vegetation of Central Asia and South Kazakhstan” (Moscow, 1961, 1962). The scientific works of the famous scientist E.P. Korovin mainly focused on the study of ecology, geography, flora, vegetation and floragenetics. He scientifically substantiated the importance of the external environment in the formation of species and developed its theoretical aspects. Academician E.P. Korovin made a great contribution to the study and systematization of the flora of Central Asia. He studied very complex and large families and genera and discovered many genera and species unknown to science. Ferula alone brought 66 new species to science. He substantiated the division of the Central Asian flora into northern and southern by genesis. He made a significant contribution to the regionalization of the vegetation cover of Central Asia and the development of their typology (classification). He paid special attention to the development of ways to use deserts and meadows, to identify useful raw materials and weeds in them, as well as to the problem of plant climate. E.P. Korovin, as a teacher, a nationalist, made every effort to educate young people, prepare candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences. The school created by E.P. Korovin, demonstrates that over the years of its existence, it has closely merged with science and the national economy.
Granitov Ippolit Ivanovich (1900-1981) – geobiologist, prominent scientist, doctor of biological sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian academy of sciences, honored scientist of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. In 1944-1945 together with E.P. Korovin he organized a comprehensive expedition to Ustyurt. In 1954-1955 headed the geobiological group of the expedition to Kashkadarya. He has created over 160 scientific and popular science works. The books of I.I. Granitova “Vegetation cover” (Tashkent, 1949), “Map of the vegetation cover of the South-West Kyzyl Kum” (Tashkent, 1950), “Vegetation cover of the South-West Kyzyl Kum” (Tashkent, 1964, 1967). His research focuses on the flora and vegetation of the Kyzylkum desert, the desert meadows of Uzbekistan. I.I. Granites made a significant contribution to increasing the productivity of meadows in the Southwestern Kyzyl Kum.
Pratov Uktam Pratovich (1934-2017) – taxonomist, florist, biologist-geographer, doctor of biological sciences, professor. In 1967 he defended his dissertation on the topic “Salt flats of the Fergana Valley and their role in vegetation”, in 1984-1985 he conducted research on his doctoral dissertation in St.Petersburg and wrote the monograph “The Climokopter Rod”. In 1987 he defended his doctoral dissertation at the Institute of Botany. V.L. Komarov (Leningrad) on the topic “Salt marshes of Central Asia and North Africa (taxonomy, geography and phylogeny)”. U. Pratov opened more than 20 new species, 13 sections, 20 subsections and one new junior tribe (9 categories in total). Having studied eight genera throughout their range, he put forward a number of theoretical ideas about the genesis, distribution and phylogeny of desert plants in Central Asia. The scientist is the author of 6 monographs and about 100 scientific works, including more than 10 brochures, textbooks and teaching aids. He is one of the active authors of the 10-volume monograph “Keys to Plants of Central Asia”. He took an active part in writing the encyclopedia of Uzbekistan (I-XII volumes), “Interesting Botany” and other popular scientific works. In 1962 he published the “Russian-Uzbek Dictionary of Botanical Terms”, in 1993 – “Russian-Uzbek Concise Dictionary of Botanical Terms.” In 1994-1995 he published the textbook “Plant Identifier of Uzbekistan” and the textbook “Botany” for students in grades 6-7. Under his direct participation and leadership, a revised and supplemented second edition of the Red Book of the Republic of Uzbekistan was prepared, including more than 300 rare and endangered plant species in Uzbek and Russian.
Yuldashev Akramzhan Sultanmuratovich – geobiologist, phytocenologist and resource scientist, doctor of biological sciences, professor. Author of over 150 scientific works, including 3 textbooks, 2 monographs and more than 12 textbooks, teaching aids. As a member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he worked on the improvement and assessment of the system for training highly qualified personnel in the field of biology, the introduction of modern technologies. The country conducts state research work in priority areas of scientific and technical programs aimed at improving research in the field of geobiology, phytocenology and resource management. 2 Ph.D. theses were defended under his supervision. Candidate of Biological Sciences Makhkamov Turobjon Khusanboevich defended his thesis on “Ruderal flora and plants of the Fergana Valley”. A multimedia product dedicated to rare and endangered plant species of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Central Herbarium of the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan has been prepared. Yuldashev Akramzhan Sultanmuratovich published a number of atlases and popular science books about the natural landscapes of the republic. Since 2015 he has been the rector of Andijan State University.
Scientific school of plant physiology
Kasymov Akmal Kasymovich (1937-2004) – physiologist, biochemist. In 1977 he successfully defended his thesis for the degree of doctor of biological sciences on the topic “Biochemical bases of radiation damage to the transport function of membranes” in the specialized scientific council of the Institute of biochemistry of the academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 1979 he was awarded the title of professor. In 1976 he was appointed rector of the Andijan State pedagogical Institute. In 1984 he was elected a corresponding member of the academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in 2000 – an academician and in 1997 – an academician of the International academy of sciences, education, art and industry. He has trained dozens of doctors and doctors of science. A laboratory of biologically active substances was created under the leadership of Akmal Kasymov.
Safarov Karimjon Safarovich – physiologist, doctor of biological sciences, professor. In 1977 he defended his dissertation on the topic “The influence of gamma radiation on the energy systems of plant cells”, in 1994 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “The state of the energy functions of mitochondria and chloroplasts in plants under the influence of environmental factors.” Published about 400 scientific and methodological works. Including 6 monographs, 8 textbooks, 4 recommendations, 2 patents for inventions. In 1995 he was awarded the title of professor for his achievements in science and education. Under his leadership, 11 candidates of sciences and 1 doctor of sciences were trained, and in 2000 he was awarded the “Shurat” medal for his contribution to the development of science.
Beknazarov Begali Ochilovich (1951-2012) – physiologist, doctor of biological sciences, professor. He has published over 135 scientific and methodological works. Including 1 textbook, 3 textbooks, 78 scientific articles, recommendation, 2 patents for inventions. 2009 author of the textbook “Plant Physiology”. Supervisor of 4 candidates of sciences. As head of the department of botany and plant physiology, he proved himself to be a good organizer until 2012. The department pays great attention to the development of disciplines. On his initiative, in 2006, branches of the department of botany and plant physiology were created at the research institutes of the academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan – research institute of genetics and experimental biology of plants and research institute of botany.
The department of botany and plant physiology was headed by doctor of biological sciences, professor Begnazarov Begali Ochilovich (2005-2011), doctor of biological sciences, professor Yuldashev Akramzhan Sultanmuratovich (2011-2014), candidate of agricultural sciences Matkarimova Anardjan Abdukarimovna (2014-2016), Makhkamov Turobjon 2017 -2018).
Photo. In the first row on the right: Associate Professor V.B. Matkarimova A.A., professor Davronov K.S., associate professor M.M. Makhmudov. Second row on the right: doctoral student Sotiboldieva D.I., senior lecturer Azizov Kh.Ya., head of the department Makhkamov T.Kh., associate professor Sh.A. Tursunova, laboratory assistant Akhrorova F.M.
At the department, students of the biological profile conduct training in the specialties of bachelor – 5140100, 60510100 and master – 5A140101, 70510100-Biology. The staff of the department is 9.75 people.
The teaching staff of the department:
A.A. Matkarimova – candidate of agricultural sciences, assoc. head of the department 1 st.;
K.S. Safarov – doctor of biological sciences, prof. 1 st.;
Q.S. Davronov – doctor of biological sciences, prof. 1 st.;
A.K. Safarov – doctor of biological sciences, assoc. 1 st.;
M.M. Makhmudova – doctor of biological sciences, assoc. 1 st.;
Sh.A. Tursunova – Ph.D assoc. 1 st.;
H.Ya. Azizov – senior lecturer, 1st degree;
D.I. Sotiboldieva – teacher 0.25 st.;
M.V. Mamadalieva – teacher of the 1st degree;
E.A. Seibert – teacher 1 st.;
T. Rakhimova – prof. 0.25 st.;
T.Kh. Makhkamov – assoc. 0.25 st.
Support staff of the department: head of the cabinet R.M. Shausmanova – 1st degree, doctoral students: G. Turaboeva, D. Solieva, G. Karamatova, G. Vaisova, Sh. Fozilov; Research Assistant: G. Ergasheva
Z. Ibragimova and H. Turdialieva work as independent researchers.
Subjects taught at the department
№ | Subject | Brief information about the subject |
Bachelor | ||
1. | Botany | Study of the anatomical and morphological structure of plants, distribution of plants around the world, taxonomy, life forms, origin, taxonomic units, regularities of division into taxa. Acquaintance with prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms and lower plants that have arisen as a result of evolutionary development (algae, fungi and lichens), systematic classification. The value of plants in nature and in human life. |
2. | Botany, plant physiology and biochemistry | Anatomical and morphological structure of plants, plant taxonomy (low and higher plants), formation of plant communities, processes in phytocenoses, physiology and biochemistry of plant cells, water exchange of plants, mineral nutrition of plants, physiology of photosynthesis, respiratory process; transport and excretion of substances in plants; plant growth and development; plant movements; knowledge about the resistance of plants, the structure and functions of plant proteins and enzymes, the biological properties of carbohydrates, lipids and vitamins contained in the plant organism. |
3. | Plant physiology | General patterns of plant life, the nature of the main physiological processes in green plants, control of physiological processes, physiology of plant cells, water exchange in plants, mineral nutrition and physiological significance of mineral elements, physiology of photosynthesis, the respiratory process, its role and chemistry in metabolism, growth and development plants, plant movement, scientific knowledge of plant resistance. |
4. | Physiologically active substances of plants | The role of physiologically active substances in the regulation of physiological processes in plants. Phenolic compounds, a variety of phenolic compounds, glycosides and their nature, phytohormones, properties of alkaloids, their role and use in metabolism, phytoncides and phytoalexins, essential oils of plants, additives, lipids, coumarins, saponins, etc. |
5. | Introduction of medicinal plants | Introduction of medicinal plants, promising non-traditional plant species, food, fodder and decorative value, history and problems of introduction, their bioecological characteristics, in accordance with the requirements of modern botany, importance in the national economy. |
6. | Biology and ecology of medicinal plants | The growth and development of medicinal plants under the influence of natural factors, bioecological properties, seed biology, characteristics of germination, families, categories, species, forms of medicinal plants. The study of the geobotanical zoning of plants, the ecological position of medicinal plants, the main directions of scientific research in the biology of medicinal plants, the grouping of medicinal plants according to botanical, ecological, life forms and significance in the national economy, seasonal phases of the development of medicinal plants. |
7. | Flora and taxonomy of medicinal plants | Principles of limitation and systematic composition of plant flora, geographical and genetic elements of flora, historical changes in vegetation cover, units of floristic zoning (floristic world, floristic oasis, provinces), units of separation principles, periodicity of plant taxonomy, its inalienable connection with the modern theory of evolution. |
8. | Vegetable growing | Preparation, storage and primary processing of raw materials of medicinal plants \ Preparation, storage and primary processing of medicinal plant materials to familiarize students with the types of medicinal plant materials, methods of preparation and drying, primary processing and storage. |
9. | The use of medicinal plants in herbal bars | Teaching the methods of using medicinal plants in herbal bars, the biological properties of medicinal plants used in herbal bars, methods of application, organizing herbal bars and using plants. |
Master’s degree | ||
10. | Research methodology | Formation of self-awareness and skills of correct thinking in the process of students’ scientific activities, teaching them to observe the unity of theory and practice when developing a research program. |
11. | Plant introduction | An idea of promising non-traditional types of medicinal, food, fodder, ornamental plants introduced in the conditions of the republic, the history of introduction, problems and prospects, their bioecological, features, significance in the national economy. |
12. | Plant cell physiology | The physiology of a plant cell is the characteristics of the structure, function, specialization and reproduction of a cell, which is the smallest structural and functional unit of life. |
13. | Phytocenology | The main directions of phytocenology: natural and artificial phytocenosis. Phytocenology research methods. Plant communities (phytocenoses) are designed to give an idea of the current state of biodiversity in phytocenoses, layers, successions, sinuses, the formation and exchange of phytocenoses, and about the internal processes occurring in them |
14. | Water exchange of plants | Understanding the mechanisms of water movement in a plant, the importance of water for plant life, transpiration indicators, as well as studying the influence of environmental factors on the water exchange of plants. |
15. | Physiology of mineral nutrition | Understanding of the mechanisms of mineral nutrition of plants, the role of macro- and microelements in cell metabolism, as well as the study of the influence of environmental factors on mineral nutrition and plant productivity, the specificity of each mineral element in a plant, ways of transporting mineral elements, significance in plant life. |
16. | Physiology of plant growth and development | General ideas about the physiology of plant growth and development, embryogenesis, stages of ontogenesis, methods of plant propagation, sowing seeds in laboratory and field conditions, monitoring their germination, growth and development of crops and their role in solving environmental problems. |
About researchers and scientific works
№ | Scientific degree, position | Dissertation topic | |
1 | Matkarimova Anarzhan Abdikarimovna | қ.a/c.s., Associate Professor Head of Department | Productivity of sugar beet varieties on alluvial soils of the meadow Khorezm oasis. |
Safarov Karimjan Safarovich | Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor \ Ph.D | The effect of gamma radiation on the energy systems of plants (1977); Doctor’s – State of the energy functions of plant mitochondria and chloroplasts under the influence of extreme factors (1994). | |
Davronov Kodirzhon Sotiboldievich | Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor | ||
Safarov Alisher Karimdzhanovich | Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor | Ph.D – Features of growth, development and chemical composition of two types of amaranth (1994); (DSc) – Physiological and biochemical bases of the introduction of new promising plants in Uzbekistan (2021) | |
Makhmudova Mamlakat Mirganievna | Ph.D., associate professor | (PhD) – Potentula of Uzbekistan | |
Tursunova Shohista Abdupatahovna | Ph.D. (PhD), associate professor | (PhD) – Biochemical and physiological properties of grain amaranth species under conditions of introduction (2019) |
Information about local and foreign partners.
Under the leadership of K.S. Safarov, research is being carried out to study and introduce new plants that are not inferior to traditional plants in terms of yield and nutritional value in the world gene pool. In order to test and adapt new promising plants from different countries and select varieties resistant to local conditions, scientific research is carried out in various soil and climatic conditions of the republic.
The structure of the department.
№ | Full name | |
1 | Matkarimova Anarzhan Abdikarimovna | anoramatkarimova@mail.ru |
Safarov Karimjan Safarovich | ksafarov@mail.ru | |
Davronov Kodirzhon Sotiboldievich | kodirjondavranov@mail.com | |
Safarov Alisher Karimdzhanovich | skalisher@gmail.com | |
Makhmudova Mamlakat Mirganievna | mamkakat.mir@bk.ru | |
Tursunova Shohista Abdupatahovna | sh.tursunova@bk.ru | |
Azizov Hamid Yarashevich | azizovkhamid@gamail.com | |
Sotiboldieva Dilnoza Ilkhomjon qizi | dilnozabiolog@mail.ru | |
Mamadalieva Madina Vakhabzhan qizi | Madinabonu2410@gmail.com | |
Zeibert Ekaterina Andrevna | zeybertk@gmail.com |