1962. On the initiative of Yu.Kh. Torakulov, the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics was created for the first time in Uzbekistan at Tashkent State University. In 1963, the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics began its work in full, Yu.Kh. Torakulov, D.N. Sakhibov, B.O. Mirzaeva, L.I. worked at the department. In the same year, B.O. Toshmukhamedov was appointed as an associate professor of the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics. In 1964, after completing his studies at Moscow State University, M.N. Valikhanov was accepted as a senior lecturer of the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics.
The scientific and theoretical patterns obtained in this area made it possible to put an end to the emergence of the ancient disease smallpox in Uzbekistan and other neighboring republics. For outstanding achievements, E.Kh.Torakulov, together with his colleague and fellow surgeon R.K.Islombekov, was awarded the Lenin Prize, the highest state award for scientific discoveries of that time. In 1965, senior lecturer of the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics M.N. Valikhanov successfully defended his candidate’s dissertation on the topic of “Phosphorus metabolism during germination of cotton seeds” and continued to work as an associate professor of the department. In 1966, E.Kh.Torakulov was elected a full member of the UzRFA. In 1974, T.S. Saatov defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic of “Thyroglobulin and other irradiated signals”. Academician Yu.Kh.Torakulov is a scientific consultant. In 1975, Yu.Kh.Torakulov’s monograph “Thyroid Hormones” was published. This monograph became one of the daily essential books for endocrinologists and biochemists not only in Uzbekistan, but also in all the republics of the USSR. In 1975, this classic work was translated into English and published in the USA. In 1977, M.N. Valikhanov was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science at Tosh State University. In 1982, I.N. Sagdullaev defended his PhD thesis on “Study of Inorganic Polyphosphates and Some Other Phosphorus Compounds of Cotton”. Academician Yo H. Turakulov and Prof. M.N. Valikhanov.
S.N. Dalimova defended her PhD thesis on “The Effect of Thyroid Hormones on the Adenylate Cyclase System”. Supervised by Academician Yu.Kh. Turakulov and PhD S.K. Khalikov. 1989 Sadikova K.A. Successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Regulation of ion transport and the root system of cereals”. Supervisor prof. M. N. Valikhanov.
Umarova G. B. Successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Dephosphorylation of phytin by soil micromysetes” at the specialized council of the Research Institute of Biochemistry of the Phytochemistry Faculty of the Russian Federation. Supervisor prof. M. N. Valikhanov.
In 2001, the Department of Biochemistry was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Surayo Nugmanovna Dolimova. 2002 Umarova M. M. Successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Study of some enzymes of phosphorus metabolism in ripening cotton seeds”. Supervisor prof. M. M. Abdullaeva. 2006 M. M. Abdullaeva. Successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Some patterns of phospholipid transformation in cotton seeds and other higher plants in the processes of germination and emergence.” Scientific adviser prof. M. N. Valikhanov. 2008 Mukhammadzhonova G. M. Successfully defended his candidate dissertation on the topic “Study of various polyphenols on proliferative processes and the functional state of liver mitochondria in chronic hepatitis.” Scientific supervisor prof. Dalimova S. N. 2009 Turaeva D. T. Successfully defended his candidate dissertation on the topic “Study of the pharmacological properties and absentia action of the hemostatic Lagovin.” Scientific supervisor prof. Dalimova S. N.
From 2012 to 2017, the Department of Biochemistry was headed by Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Gulbakhor Bazarbaevna Umarova. On November 25, 2015, a scientific and practical seminar on the topic of “Modern Problems of Biology, Ecology and Soil Science” was held, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of the professor of the department Mukhsin Nabikhanovich Valikhanov. On November 10-11, 2016, a scientific and practical conference was held dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Torakulov Yolkin Kholmatovich, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on the topic of “Actual Problems of Physicochemical Biology and Endocrinology”. “.
Talented research scientists joined the scientific school created by Yolkin Kholmatovich Torakulov. These scientists lead biochemists of Uzbekistan and pass on their knowledge and experience to their students.
Since 2021, the Department of Biochemistry is headed by Dr. Sherali Nasrullevich Koziev. 2020 Sh.N. Koziev successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Age-related changes in the functional state of rat mitochondria and the effect of herbal preparations on them.” Scientific supervisor prof. Dalimova S.N. As a result of scientific research by Sherali Nasrullevich Koziev, more than 35 scientific papers have been published, including 15 scientific articles in prestigious journals of the republic, more than 15 abstracts and articles have been published at international and republican scientific conferences.
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | Full name researcher teach | Academic degree, title | Dissertation topic |
1 | Dalimova Surayyo Nugmanovna | Doctor of Biological Sciences, proffesor | Regulation of mitochondrial and nuclear action of thyroid hormones by cytoplasmic (protein) components |
2 | Abdullaeva Muborak Makhmusovna | Doctor of Biological Sciences, proffesor | Some regularities of the transformation of phospholipids in the seeds of cotton and other higher plants during their germination and maturation |
3 | Umarova Gulbakhor Bazarbaevna | candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor | Dephosphorylation of phytin by soil micromycetes |
4 | Mukhammadjonova Guzal Mukhammadjonova | candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor | Study of the influence of various polyphenols on proliferative processes and the functional state of liver mitochondria in chronic hepatitis |
5 | Fomina Marina Aleksandrovna | candidate of biological sciences, assistant professor | Biological effects of the dosage form of the drug Tortezin from the blood of the Central Asian tortoise |
6 | Kuziev Sherali Nasrullaevich | PhD | Age-related changes in the functional state of rat mitochondria and the effect of herbal preparations on them |
International cooperation
Since 2019, cooperation will be carried out with the head of the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Great Britain Colleges (UKPDC), Professor Abramov Andrey Yuryevich. During this time, he is conducting training in “Fundamentals of Neurochemistry” and “Lipid Biochemistry”.
South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov, assistant professor of science, R. E. Aytkulova, “Biochemistry and molecular biology” Faculty of Biology 5140100-Biology 2nd stage students of December 2021 lum will conduct classes in ZOOM format (online).