As the teaching of foreign languages in non-philological directions has its importance in all universities, this direction also has its historical place at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulug’bek. Since the university was founded and the faculties of natural and exact sciences began to operate, the department of foreign languages also began to operate in each of them. Later, as a result of the formation of a number of faculties in social fields, the number of foreign language departments increased, and in order to optimize the structure of the university, a language center was established under the university. , foreign languages in business and jurisprudence areas, and foreign languages in socio-humanitarian areas, and these four departments were included in the Language Center, which was established. This center was managed by Isakova Ravshana Karimdjanovna from 1999 to 2009.
By 2009, the Language Center was completed and two departments were established – the department of foreign languages in natural directions and the department of foreign languages in social and humanitarian directions, and these two departments were included in the Faculty of Foreign Philology of the university. In the academic year 2013-2014, this department was run by Mazlitdinova Dilnoza Tuygunovna, in the Department of Foreign Languages in social and humanitarian directions, associate professor Shirinova Raima Khakimovna. managed by
Qualified professors in these departments are R.Hoshimova, A.Abdalina, B.Kerbolayeva, D.Aliqulova, D.Joraboyeva, M.Kasimova, R.Shirinova, J.Dzumbayeva, N.Sadullayeva, M. Candidates of science and associate professors such as Soliyeva, M. Bolibekova, Sh. Jalolova worked.
On September 25, 2014, according to the decision of the Scientific Council of UzMU No. 01-362, the Department of Foreign Languages in Natural Areas and the Department of Foreign Languages in Social and Humanitarian Areas were merged and named the Department of “English Language” and the department was headed by associate professor S.R. Babayeva.
On June 25, 2020, the department was named the “Interfaculty English” department based on the order of the Scientific Council of UzMU No. 01-337, and since September 2020, the department has been operating under the leadership of Mazlitdinova Dilnoza Tuygunovna.
Interfaculty English
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
English Content
International cooperation
English Content