The scientific potential of the department was 93% in the 2018-2019 academic year, and 16 professors worked in the main staff unit in the 2019-2020 academic year. Of this, the scientific potential was 88% due to the recruitment of 3 doctors of science (DSc), 11 candidates of science (PhD), young specialists, and in 2021, the scientific potential is 93.3%.
In the last two years, a patent was obtained for educational methodical developments created by professors and teachers of the department. Including:
department associate professor “English – Uzbek Dictionary (in Braille)” compiled by H. Toshov, Doss.V.B. Certificate (copyright protection (patent) copyright) issued.
Chair Prof.v.b.D.Fayzikha’jaeva, dos.v.b.Kh.Toshev, dos.v.b.T.Hojiev for the electronic study guide “logic” by the state unitary enterprise “Intellectual Property Consultative Center” of the Intellectual Property Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. DGU 08749 Certificate (copyright protection (patent) copyright) issued.
During 2015-2017, prof. Under the leadership of G. M. Rozmatova, “ITD-1. Spiritual-ethical and cultural development of the society, spiritual values, national idea, cultural heritage, history of the Uzbek people and statehood, integrity and continuity of education, a mature generation According to the order of the state program on the theme of “researching the education of young people”, the practical “A-1-1-133+(A-1-132) Researching the mechanism of spiritual and moral education of young people based on the study of the history of philosophy” at the Republican Center for Spiritual Promotion project (2015-2017), scientific research work was carried out.
Work with ITD programs in the department continues in 2021-2022. The project “Creating an electronic transdisciplinary platform of the religious and national values of the Uzbek people” was financed within the framework of the “Olima” grant for 2021-2022.
During 2021-2022, the department is participating in the international program on the exchange of experts in the field of philosophy in cooperation with a number of European universities under the KA program of Erasmus Mundus.
In the last three years, professors and teachers of the department have published 30 articles in local journals, 4 in international scientific journals, 6 in impact-factor journals, and 17 in Scopus publications.
On January 28-31, 2019, UzR improved its skills at the “Training of Women Leaders of Higher Education and Academic Institutions” organized in cooperation with BIMM and the British Council with the participation of international experts.
From January 20 to February 20, 2020, the head of the department, professor Sh. O. Madaeva, qualified in Madrid, Spain, by the El-Yurt Umid Foundation for the training of specialists under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and communication with compatriots. increased and returned.
In December 2019, the Department of dos.v.b. Kh.Tashov received the first prize of the Youth Union in the field of science.
Philosophy and logic
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan doktori, DSc
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | The research professor-teacher N.S. | Academic degree, title | The topic of the dissertation |
1. | 09.00.03 – 2nd stage of basic doctoral studies (PhD) in History of Philosophy Khujaev Davron | No. | “Socio-philosophical principles of the concept of justice in the teachings of Alisher Navoi” |
2. | 09.00.03 – 2nd stage of basic doctoral studies (PhD) in History of Philosophy Saidmurodov Jobir | No. | “The concept of development in Gegel’s philosophy” |
3. | 09.00.03 – 1st stage of basic doctoral studies (PhD) in History of Philosophy Rakhimdjanova Dilnavoz | No. | “Transformation of the phenomenon of freedom in antiquity” |
4. | 09.00.01 – Juraeva Nigora in the 3rd stage of basic doctoral studies (PhD) in ontology, gnoseology, logic | No. | “Philosophical and historical analysis of the theory of paradigms of civilization and its application to modern Uzbekistan” |
5. | 09.00.01 – 1st stage basic doctoral degree (PhD) in ontology, gnoseology, logic Shukurov Akmal | No. | “Methodology of the national strategic approach to virtualization of public life” |
International cooperation
Scientific Research Center of Philosophy at UzMU, Republican Spirituality-Enlightenment Center, Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Scientific Research Center of Oriental Studies, Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Tashkent Railway Institute, Cooperation with Nukus State University named after Berdak, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Surkhondarya branch, (social and humanitarian departments) has been established and activities are being carried out based on demand needs.