In 1962, the faculty of Romano-Germanic philology of Tashkent State University initially had English and German language departments. Since 1963, students have been admitted to the French language group. In 1966, the department of the French language was established, and in 1972, the department of the Latin language was opened under the department.
The French language department was initially headed by A.A. Krasheninnikov (1963-1969). Then Ph.D., associate professor Sh.K. Khaidarov (1969-1984), Ph.D., associate professor A. Umarov (1984-1988), Ph.D., professor A.E. Mamatov (2002-2003); senior teachers A.S.Askarov, V.V.Magidovich, M.Mirkholikov (1988-2005) were in charge.
In 1972, under the leadership of Ye.F. Vaganov, the department of Latin language was opened under the department of French philology. From 1968 to 1984, the department of French philology was also staffed by French experts, who greatly helped in the training of national personnel.
A number of teachers of the department, including A.E.Mamatov (1991, doctorate), Sh.Haidarov (1972), A.U.Umarov (1972), Yu.S.Muratova (1982), F.S.Salimova (1997) are candidates conducted research on their dissertations and contributed to increasing the scientific potential of the department.
In 2004, Sh.I. Isakova defended her candidate thesis. Since 2005, he has worked as the head of the department.
2010-2012 senior teacher Kurbanova G.S. and in 2013-2018, the chair of French philology was headed by professor R. Kh. Shirinova, Ph.D.
French philology
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
English Content
International cooperation
Local and foreign partners:
On March 19, at the initiative of the Uzbek-French Friendship Society, the National University of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the Committee for International Relations and Friendly Relations with Foreign Countries under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the International Organization of Solidarity and Education (A.S.I.E.) held a cultural event “A Trip to France” on the occasion of the International Day of Francophonie.
The event was attended by students of higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan where French is taught. At this event, students were given knowledge of the French language, French melodies and songs, various stage performances and a quiz were held.

It is known that in recent years, the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek has signed cooperation agreements with leading French universities, including the Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III, Poitiers, Tours, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, Bordeaux Montaigne, Sorbonne Paris Nord. various areas – academic exchange, lectures of professors and teachers, as part of scientific projects.
Over the past three years, 5 international Erasmus + projects have been won in cooperation with French universities. One of these projects is the Erasmus + KA 107 grant project, implemented jointly with the University of Poitiers.
Within the framework of this project, teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Philology of the National University of Uzbekistan Rakhimova Gulfiya and basic doctoral student Koldosheva Mutabar returned from February 19-25 of this year to improve their qualifications at this university.
During the first days of the visit, UzMU researchers got acquainted with the university education system, the educational process, the conditions created for students, and also received information on the use of modern information technologies, modern teaching materials and teaching technologies. During the week-long visit, the researchers actively participated in the teaching process of professors and teachers at the University of Poitiers, improved their qualifications, conducted research in university libraries, got acquainted with scientific literature as part of their research, visited museums and exhibitions.

Virtual (VR) Lab Training Workshop for STEM Professors and Teachers
Participants of the STEM project organized by the French Embassy will visit M.A. Rakhimova in August and November 2022 and A.Yu. Nurumova. They completed an internship in teaching STEM subjects in French at the CAVILAM language training center in Vichy, France.In May 2023, they took part in a virtual (VR) lab training workshop on this project organized by the Embassy. During the workshop, they learned how to use a VR device.
Yesterday, we organized a virtual (VR) lab training workshop for STEM professors and teachers of the university.The workshop virtually conducted laboratory classes on natural sciences using the device, and also gave instructions to STEM teachers.
The management of the National University of Uzbekistan expresses gratitude to the Embassy of France in Uzbekistan, in particular, the attaché for regional cooperation in the field of education, Mr. Serge Bellini. We also highly appreciate their contribution to the work on improving the qualifications of specialists in the field of STEM.

NUUZ students are in France as part of academic mobility
In order to activate the mobility of students, teachers and staff of the National University of Uzbekistan, the Department of Strategic Development and International Ranking launched a project of the Erasmus program with 4 French universities for 2023-2026.
Yesterday, two students of the Department of French Philology of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, Khaitboeva Dilnoza and Karimov Jamshid, took part in this project and went to the University of Poitiers in France to study in the first half of the 2023-2024 academic year. Project coordinator Lichia Bagini welcomed them and introduced them to the university library, student dormitory and the conditions created for them.

As previously reported, at the initiative of the French Embassy in Uzbekistan, 25 French teachers teaching STEM subjects were given the opportunity to return to this country after advanced training.
This program was attended by 5 professors and teachers of UzMU. Serge Bellini, the French attaché in the field of education in Uzbekistan, professors Jean-Claude Beacco and Brigitte Baju from Sorbonne University New Paris III visited UzMU to study the results and indicators after training professors within the framework of the project.
During the visit, the level of French of students studying mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, the use of virtual equipment provided by the embassy, as well as the effectiveness of the experience gained in France were discussed.
Proposals for improving the level of proficiency in French and informing about the opportunities that can be achieved with the help of this language in the course of further work were also considered. The feedback was studied in detail and an agreement was reached on cooperation in the implementation of certain plans.

Round table with students of French philology, representatives of the French-language organization Young Ambassador
Today, the National University of Uzbekistan was visited by the French attaché for cooperation in the field of education Serge Bellini, the president of the organization “Young Francophone Ambassador” Marie Beatrice Leveau and the ambassador of the “Young Francophone People” Fatima Nicole Sila.
At the meeting, a dialogue took place on the issues of cooperation between UzMU and French universities, students studying French, and the organization of Francophonie.
Representatives of the embassy and ambassadors of Francophonie highly appreciated the knowledge of students studying French and proposed cooperation in Francophonie.
An interview was also conducted with students studying French. During the interview, their knowledge and skills were tested, and a list of candidates for the position of young ambassador of French-speaking countries was compiled. It was said that the test results will be announced before the Frakofonia festival in March.

International holiday of French teachers
Every year, November 24 is the International French Teacher’s Day, and today the teachers and students of the Faculty of Foreign Philology, Department of French Philology of the National University of Uzbekistan welcomed this holiday in a festive spirit.
At the event, talented students of French philology showed their creativity and performed various dances, games and songs. The event was opened by the head of the department of French philology, Dildora Ilhomovna. The teachers organized quiz games, crossword puzzles, question-and-answer games for students. Participating and winning students were duly awarded by the department.
The students of the second group presented the play “Blanche Neige” in French and performed popular French tunes.

Parij Shimoliy Sorbon universiteti tadqiqotchisi fransuz filologiyasi kafedrasida Fransuz tili professor-o’qituvchilari uchun amaliy seminar
O‘zMU va Parij Shimoliy Sorbon universiteti bilan memorandum imzolangan edi. Mazkur memorandumga asosan Parij Shimoliy Sorbon universiteti tadqiqotchisi Katerin Eyme O‘zMU xorijiy filologiya fakulteti, fransuz filologiyasi kafedrasiga tashrif buyurdi.
Tashrif davomida Katerin Eyme bilan o‘tkaziladigan seminarlar rejasi va mavzulari muhokama etildi. Seminarda chet tillari, xususan, fransuz tilini o‘qitishda elektron ressurslardan foydalanish va tadqiqot ishlarini o‘tkazish bo‘yicha maʼlumotlar berilishi taʼkidlandi.
Shuningdek, O‘zMU huzuridagi pedagogik kadrlarni qayta tayyorlash va ularning malakasini oshirish tarmoq (mintaqaviy) markazi bilan hamkorlikda o‘qituvchilar uchun amaliy treninglar ham tashkil qilishga kelishib olindi.
Uchrashuvda ma’lumotlardan foydalanishdan mualliflik huquqini buzmaslik choralari hamda o’qituvchining ijodiy yondashuvi ko’rsatib o’tildi. Tinglovchilar resusrlar to’g’risida o’zlarini qiziqtirgan savollar bilan murojaat qildilar. Seminar yakunida chet tili o’qituvchilari uchun foydali bo’lgan ma’lumotlar bazasi va saytlar ro’yxati tinglovchilarga tarqatildi.

Mirzo Ulug’bek nomidagi O’zbekiston milliy universiteti xorijiy filologiya fakulteti fransuz filologiyasi kafedrasi mudiri D.I.Djafarovaning 2024-yil 13-22-may kunlari Ispaniyaning Sevilya (490-QS reyting) va Granada (403-QS reyting) universitetlarda bo’lib o’tgan ma’ruzalar hamda xalqaro ta’lim tizimi ko’rgazmasida qatnashganligi yuzasidan
2024-yil 13-17-may kunlari Ispaniyaning Sevilya universitetida bo’lib o’tgan “International Incoming Staff Training Week” тадбирида қатнашиб, талабалар учун “Les problèmes de traduction de moyens non verbaux en traduction écrite” mavzusida ma’ruza bo’lib o’tdi.
Tadbir Erasmus KA 107 loyihasi – Programme for International Mobility between Programme Member and Associated Countries dasturi doirasida bo’lib o’tdi.
Universitetlarga tashrif buyurib, xalqaro mobiliti bo’limi hodimlari bilan uchrashishdi. Bundan tashqari filologiya fakulteti dekani uchashib, o’quv jarayoni bilan tanishishdi, ular bilan tajriba almashildi, darslar kuzatildi.
Ispaniyadagi Sevilya va Granada universitetlari professor-o’qituvchilari va doktorantlari bilan aloqa o’rnatildi va kontaktlari olindi.
15 may kuni Ispaniyaning Sevilya universiteti tomonigan o’tkazilgan xalqaro ta’lim ko’rgazmasida 50dan ortiq davlat vakillari qatnashdi hamda hozirgi kundagi ta’lim tizimi, zamonaviy metodlar, stajirovka hamda xalqaro reytingda o’z o’rniga ega bo’lish xususida fikr almashildi.