The department of “Geodesy and geoinformatics” was established on the basis of the department of “Geodesy and cartography” on the basis of the order of the rector of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek dated 05.09.2018 No. 01-759. As the head of the department, Ph.D. Associate Professor H. Muborakov was appointed (2018-2021). From 2021, he will be the head of the department. PhD. D.N. Rakhmanov is working.
Geodesy and geoinformatics
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | Full name of researchers | Scientific degree, title | Dissertation work theme |
1 | Yakubov Gayrat | no | Theoretical and technological issues of digital large-scale agricultural mapping using remote sensing data. |
2 | Nosirov Bakhtiyor | no | Improving the use of geographic information systems in creating geoecological maps of the Aral Sea region |
3 | Arabov Obid | no | Development of methods for improving the altitude system of the territory of Uzbekistan based on GNSS measurements and geoinformation analysis |
International cooperation
The department has signed cooperation memoranda and established cooperation relations with several foreign HEIs and organizations, including Austria’s Salzburg University in 2019, Hungary’s Obuda University in May 2020, and Portugal’s “Earth Geodetic Analysis and Space Research” laboratory in 2021. Professor Da Silva Fernández Rui Manuel, director of the Portuguese laboratory “Geodesic analysis and space research” for master’s specialties 5A311502-“Geodesy and cartography” and 5A313401-“Geodesy and geoinformatics” 2021.03.12. № 02-613 was involved in the lesson based on the order.
Associate professor of the department E.R. Mirmakhmudov has been participating in international conferences as a member of the international organization “EUPOS” European Position Determination System and the UN Organization for Space Geodesy.