The Department of English Philology was established in 1962 as part of the Romano-Germanic faculty. During the years of its establishment, the department set itself the task of creating new, highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel and training leading specialists for higher educational institutions and higher educational institutions of the republic. Since then, the staff of the department has been carrying out scientific and methodical work in the fields of linguistics, such as theoretical phonetics and grammar, stylistics and translation, history of language and lexicology, in accordance with the requirements of the educational process. As a result, Nazirova Sh.O., Yusupova Sh.B., Sadullayeva N.A., Siddikova I.A., I.A. The teachers of the department, including Joraeva, Dzhumabaeva J.Sh., made a number of successful candidate’s dissertations and contributed to increasing the scientific potential of the department.
In 2013, the department was named the Department of English Philology. Since 2014, associate professor of the department, associate professor J. Sh.Dzumbaeva has been in charge. Associate Professor J.Sh. Djumbaeva attracts teachers to participate in various online seminars and courses on teaching English, paying special attention to the organization of scientific seminars. Professor, doctor of philology Yusupov U.K. 2009 – 2012 Member of the General Joint Council K.067.44.02 for the defense of candidate and doctoral theses at the State University of World Languages of Uzbekistan. Yusupov, professor, doctor of philological sciences, created the U.K. School of Comparative Linguistics. According to the decision made on August 27, 2021, the Department of English Philology was divided into two departments, i.e. English Linguistics and Applied English Language and Literary Studies.
English linguistics
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | The research led by Professor | Academic degree, title | The topic of the dissertation |
1 | Abdullayeva Muxtasar Abdullayevna | – | Human values in Uzbek and American literature and their recreation in translation |
2 | Bekmurodova Firuzabonu Normurodovna | – | Linguopragmatic aspects of customs and traditions in the translation of novels (on the example of translations in English and Uzbek) |
International cooperation
English Content