The department was founded in 1921 by Professor N.I. Lebedensky. In 1921-1945, the department functioned as part of various faculties. After the establishment of the Faculty of Geography in 1945, under the name of the “Geodesy and Cartography” department, the basics of topography, geodesy, and cartography were taught to various specialties.
In 1947, the “Geographer-Cartographer” specialty was opened to meet the needs of the Central Asian republics with personnel in the field of cartography, and 17 students were admitted that year.
In 1948, Prof. After the death of N.I. Lebedinsky, the head of the department was replaced by senior teacher F.L. Tropkin, prof. I.G. Krasovsky, senior teacher I.G. Chernyak, Assoc. Ch. V. Galkov, prof. T.M. Mirzaliyev, associate professors – Y.G. Brodosky, P.Y. Butenko, L.H. Gulomova, A. Egamberdiyev, H.M. The Mubarakovs were the leaders. Currently, Ph.D., prof. E. Y. Safarov is in charge.
Currently, 1 Doctor of Science-Professor, 3 Candidates of Science – Professors and Associate Professors, 2 senior teachers, 6 teachers are working in the department and are teaching students in specialized subjects.
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | Name of the researcher | Scientific degree, title | Dissertation topic |
1 | Bekanov Kuatbai Koshkarbaevich | Basic doctoral student | Application of geoinformatics methods to optimize use in difficult environmental conditions of the Aral Sea region |
2 | Ergasheva Yulduz Khalilovna | Basic doctoral student | Basics of using digital maps to study and assess the combat situation on the ground |
3 | Ibragimov Orif Alikhamatovich | Self-employed applicant | Cartographic methods of using alternative energy sources in Uzbekistan |
4 | Muminov Abdujalil Abdusalom corners | Self-employed applicant | Development of scientific and methodological foundations for the creation of a web atlas of horticulture and viticulture in Uzbekistan |
5 | Sabirov Kakhramon Bektursun corners | Self-employed applicant | Improving the scientific and methodological base of geoinformation mapping of socio-economic characteristics of the population. |
International cooperation
Currently, the department has established scientific cooperation with HEIs of a number of foreign countries, including Western Hungary, Salzburg, London Greenwich University, Moscow State University, South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute.
Since January 2013, the members of the department have actively participated in the large-scale project “TEMPUS GE-UZ: Geoinformatics: Ensuring the achievement of sustainable development in Uzbekistan” for 2012-2015 under the TEMPUS program of the European Union. Within the framework of this project, 11 members of the department participated in training courses organized at the universities of West Hungary, Salzburg and Greenwich and returned after improving their skills.
In 2014, a special educational laboratory “Geoinformatics” was established under the department and it was equipped with modern geodetic instruments, computers and geoinformation programs.
Since January 2013, the members of the department have been participating in the gSmart project of the Erasmus Mundus program (545696 – EM – 1- AT- ERA MUNDUS- EMA 21). As the coordinator of this project in Uzbekistan, the head of the department, prof. E.Y. Safarov conducted work. According to the program, 4 undergraduate students, 1 graduate student, 2 PhD students, and 1 PostDoc student have studied at various higher educational institutions of Europe and returned to improve their knowledge. In the framework of this project, teaching staff from several HEIs of Uzbekistan (UzMU, TIMI, TATI, UrDU, BukhSU and others) went abroad to improve their skills. From September 2015 to June 2016, the senior teacher of the department, I. O. Abdullaev (in Austria), Sh. Prenov (in Hungary) and A. Ruziev (in the Netherlands) trained under this program.