The Department of Macroeconomics (former International Economic Relations) was established in 1996 on the basis of the Department of Economic Theory of natural faculties. From the establishment of the department until 2009, bachelor’s degrees in the field of World Economy and International Economic Relations and masters’ degrees in International Economic Relations and Foreign Countries’ Economy were prepared. In 2010, the name of the department was changed to Macroeconomics, since the department began training masters in Macroeconomics. Since the 2010-2011 academic year, the department has been training bachelors and masters in the field of social work (pension provision). Starting from the 2019-2020 academic year, master’s training in the specialty “Macroeconomics” has been restarted.
Since 1996, the Department of Macroeconomics has been headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor A.V. Vakhabov.
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan doktori, DSc
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
Researcher FISH | Dissertation work topic |
Kim Se- Gon ( Korea Republic citizen ), Nomination , 2000 | Vosproizvodstvo the wall vnutrennego product v stranax Average Azii v usloviyax kr y nochnoy in pereho economic |
Muminov Nozim Gafforovich , Nomination , 2001 | Market relations formation during Uzbekistan in the economy structural changes |
Dolimov Clearly Torabekovich , Nomination , 2002 | Pension system reform of doing the world experience and from him transition in the economy use |
Akhmedov Bekhzod Bohodirovich , Nomination , 2002 | Denejn y e dokhod y i rashod y Naselenia Republic of Uzbekistan and conditions perehodnoi economic |
Bahar Burton Dogan ( Turkey citizen ), Nomination , 2005 | Market economy transition during Uzbekistan-Turkey economic of relations development |
Mirzaev Sugar Aripovich , Nomination , 2006 | Puti usilenia address social za shch it y conditions and conditions perehodnoi economic ( na material Uzbekistan ) |
Nuraliev Nuriddin Nuralievich ( Kyrgyzstan citizen ), Nomination , 2006 | Liberalization external with trade K y rg y zskoy Republic and conditions perehodnoi economic |
Umarov Abduvakhab Tursunovich , Nomination , 2007 | Region economic from potential use efficiency increase ecological aspects (Tashkent region example ) |
Zikrilleva Nadira Akhmedovna , Nomination , 2008 | Theoretical aspect y pov y shenia competition national economic and conditions perehodnoi economic ( na material real sector economic Uzbekistan ) |
Djumanova Rana Faizullaevna , Candidate , 2008 | Population marriage level : indicators and him increase ways |
Rozmetov Sherzod Bakhtiyarovich , Nomination , 2009 | Uzbekistan commerce banks deposit base strengthening ways |
Musaev Bekhzod Anvarovich , Candidate , 2009 | Sovershentsvovanie mechanism financial control pri ispolnenii Gosudarstvennogo budget Republic of Uzbekistan |
Akromov Khurshid Majlimboevich , Candidate , 2010 | Uzbekistan Republic Precious papers of the market development macroeconomic of politics effect |
Makhmudova Guljakhan Nematdjonovna , Nomination , 2010 | Agrarian the field invest efficiency increase directions |
Rasulova Dilfuza Valievna , PhD (DSc), 2010 | Market relations in the system worker power of migration theoretical – methodological the basics improvement |
Daminov Delighted Sharipovich , Nomination , 2011 | Uzbekistan tax in the system right taxes count mechanism improvement |
Raz y kova Gulnara Khikmatovna , Nomination , 2011 | Economic mechanism realizatsii prom y shlennoy policy and conditions modernization economic Uzbekistan |
Abdunazarova Rare Oktamovna , Nomination , 2011 | Place bankovskogo sector and economy development regionov |
Ergashev Inspiration Obidovich . Nomination , 2011 | National the market in defense excise duty from tax efficient use ways |
Alikoriev Olim Khan Furqat son , Nomination , 2011 | Commerce in banks new service types development directions |
Sirojiddinov Kamaluddin Ikromiddinovich , Nomination , 2012 | Farmer in farms economic diagnosis improvement |
Zakhidova Sweet Shirzatovna , Nomination , 2012 | High education services of the market action to do mechanism efficiency increase ( Uzbekistan materials based on |
Sultanbekova Munira Bakhodirovna , Nomination , 2012 | Uzbekistan Republic investment funds in development abroad from experience use |
Murodova Rare Qullyevna , PhD (DSc), 2016 | Small business and private entrepreneurship state by of support theoretical the basics improvement |
Makhmudova Guljahan Ne’matjonovna , PhD (DSc), 2018 | The economy modernization of models theoretical the basics improvement |
Rakhmanov Norim Razzokovic , PhD (DSc), 2019 | Regional socio-economic development based on higher education in the system personnel preparation quality increase |
Imamov Rustam Nazrullaevich , (PhD), 2020 | State by village farm financial support system improvement |
Rejabov Khairullah , ( PhD ), 2020 | High education services and work market between relationships improvement |
Bakhtiyarov Babur Bahadir son , (PhD), 2020 | The population social protection to do system economic mechanism improvement directions |
Khadjikulova Happiness Narimonovna , (PhD), 2020 | International finance institutions by small business subjects lending improvement |
Khudoyberdiev Zafar, PhD (DSc), 2020 | The economy modernization conditions work the market action to do mechanism improvement |
Umarov Brave Tursunovich , PhD, 2021 | State purchases system of improvement methodological aspects |
Umurzakova Respectable Rare daughter , PhD, 2021 | in Uzbekistan population social protection in doing medical insurance development prospects |
In the department research take going researchers
Researcher FISH | Dissertation work topic |
Rakhimjonov Azizjan Vokhidjon son Lean on PhD student | Non-state pension funds development abroad from experience Uzbekistan pension system in improvement use possibilities |
Muhamedova Sevara Abdukakhorovna . Lean on PhD student | The population marriage quality improve and expenses content improvement problems |
Narmanov Grandfather Abdugapparovych . Lean on PhD student | House in the farm employment of provision economic mechanism improvement |
Amanova Fascinated State rich daughter Lean on PhD student | Sovershenstvovanie mechanism sokra shch eniya tenevogo sector neither basis sifrovizatsii economic |
International cooperation
Local and foreign partners:
- Off-Budget Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Under the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research
- “Trustbank” is a private joint-stock bank
- University of Applied Sciences Bremenhafen, Germany
- Sapienza University of Rome, Italy