During this period, more than 30 monographs were created, including prof. O. Sharafiddinov’s “Thoughts of Passage”, “The Happiness of Realizing Creativity”, U. Normatov’s “Past Days”, “Miracle of Power”, B. Kasimov’s “Ismail Gaspirali”, “Mahmudhoja Behbudi” “, A. Rasulov’s “Talent and faith”, “Criticism, interpretation, assessment”, U. Dolimov’s “Uzbek modern pedagogy”, H. Boltaboev’s “Suppressed science”, “Scientific heritage of nature” , “Mumtoz soz qadri”, “Turk Khaganlgi” by N. Rahmonov, “Ruhiyatdagi dil murodi”, “Uzbek Munaqqidi Vadud Mahmud” by B. Karimov and other monographs and books were published. In the following years, prof. H. Boltaboev’s “History of Literary-Aesthetic Thought” vol. 1-2 (co-author M. Mahmudov, 2012, 2016), prof. N. Rahmonov’s “Feeding on history”, 2019), dos.v.b. “Cholpon and the Renewal of National Poetry” by Sh. Hojieva (2019), Assoc. M. Asadov’s monographs “Rindona mano va spiritual image” (2019), “Sokinoma: history and poetics” (2020) were published.
“Encyclopedia of Literature” (2007-2011), “Fundamental Study of the History of Literary Studies” (2012-2016) and “Sources of Modern Uzbek Literature” (2006-2008), “Dictionary of Sufism in the Works of Alisher Navoi” (2012) Scientific activities were carried out on practical state grants such as -3).
Every year, a number of international and national scientific conferences are held at the department. In particular, in the last academic year, “Problems of improving philological education” (2020, October 20-21), “The role and importance of O’tkir Hashimov’s work in the development of modern Uzbek literature” (2021, June 28) such conferences were held, and scientific collections were created based on them.
Uzbek literary studies
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan doktori, DSc
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | Full names of Researcher professor-teachers | Scientific level, title | The topic of the dissertation |
1 | Boltaboyev Hamidulla Ubaydullayevich | Doctor of Philological Sciences., prof | Uzbek literature of the early XX century and Fitrat’s scientific heritage |
2 | Rahmonov Nasimxon Asqarovich | Doctor of Philological Sciences., prof | Urhun-Enesey monuments and the relationship of Turkish epics |
3 | Mahmudov Jasurbek Husinovich | Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate prof | Pahlavon Mahmud and Futuvvat sources |
4 | Qo‘shmoqov Mahamadali | Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate prof | The problem of tradition and improvisation (on the example of the repertoire of Ergash Dzhumanbulbul oglu, a representative of the Kurgan school of poetry) |
5 | Hojiyeva Shaxlo Hazratovna | PhD, Ass prof | Principles of renewal of poetic thinking in Cholpon’s poetry |
6 | Azimova Dildora Bahriddinovna | PhD, seniot teacher | Principles of renewal of poetic thinking in Cholpon’s poetry |
7 | Mullaxodjayeva Ra’no Tashxodjaevna | PhD, seniot teacher | Renewal of poetic thinking in Uzbek poetry of the 80s of the XX century and the creation of Shavkat Rahmon |
8 | Ametova Ulbo‘sin Kamiljanovna | PhD, seniot teacher | Traditions of Kubravian sect in Uzbek classical literature |
9 | Jo‘rayeva Sobira Eshqurbonovna | PhD, seniot teacher | Shukuri’s literary heritage |
10 | Kazakbayeva Dilrabo Jalolovna | Teacher, independent researcher | O‘zbek mumtoz adabiyotida tarjiband va tarkibband janrlarining takomili Improvement of tarjiband and tarkibband genres in Uzbek classical literature |
11 | Ismoilov Bobur Xudoyarovich | Teacher, independent researcher | The science of puberty in Yusuf Sakkoki’s Miftohu-l-ulum |
14 | Yo‘ldoshev Qozoqboy Yo‘ldoshbekovich | Doctor of Philological Sciences., prof | New pedagogical thinking and the scientific and methodological basis of teaching literature in secondary schools |
15 | Temur Ko‘ja o‘g‘lu | Doctor of Philological Sciences., prof | The formation of national consciousness in twentieth-century Uzbek novels |
16 | Asadov Maqsud Husenovich | Doctor of Philological Sciences, Ass prof | Soqiynoma in Uzbek classical literature (genesis, stages of development and poetic features) |
17 | Nazarova Shahnoza Ibodullayevna | PhD., katta o‘qituvchi | Genesis and poetics of probable motives in Uzbek folk tales |
18 | Umarova Maxliyo Yunusovna | Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate prof | The concept of artistic time in historical drama (on the basis of Shakespeare and Fitrat dramas) |
19 | Xaitov Shuhrat Moyliyevich | PhD, seniot teacher | Study of Babur’s works abroad (on the example of Uzbek-Turkish sources) |
20 | Po‘latova Malohat Rixsiboyevna | PhD, seniot teacher | Traditions of writing “Arba’in” in the classical literature of the East (on the example of the works of Jami, Navoi and Fuzuli) |
21 | Sultonov Isajon Sultonovich | O‘zbekiston xalq yozuvchisi, katta o‘qituvchi | The image of Alisher Navoi in the works of writers of the XX century |
22 | Hojimatov Minhojiddin Mirzajonovich | seniot teacher | “The role of literary figures of the XX century in the understanding of national identity” (works of R. Khamzatov and Ch. Aitmatov and issues of Uzbek literature) |
23 | Zoir Toxirov | Candidate of Philological Sciences, prof | Formation of pragmatic semantics in Uzbek language and the emergence of subjective relations in them |
International cooperation
International cooperation. Professors of the Department of Uzbek Literary Studies have established contacts with the world’s leading scientific schools in the field of philology, Indiana and Michigan University (USA), Tokyo University (Japan), Ankara University (Turkey), Asia and Africa Institute of Moscow State University (Russia ) and scientific and pedagogical works are being carried out in cooperation with other scientific centers. As a result of them, several international scientific conferences were held (Haji Bayram Vali University, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Ankara University), language and literature are taught on the basis of joint programs. In 2019, the international scientific conferences “Impact of Alisher Navoi’s work on Motherland” (in Tashkent in cooperation with Ankara Haji Bayram University), and “Modernity of the Turkic World” (in cooperation with Ankara University) were held on September 21-25, 2021.
Local cooperation. A mutual cooperation agreement for the years 2019-2024 was concluded with the Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the FA of the Republic of Uzbekistan. According to it: the obligations of the Institute of Uzbek language, literature and folklore and the department of Uzbek literary studies in terms of scientific research work, spiritual and educational work are indicated.
A mutual cooperation agreement for the years 2019-2024 was concluded with the Alisher Navoi State Literature Museum of the Republic of Uzbekistan. According to it: the obligations of the Alisher Navoi State Literary Museum and the Department of Uzbek Literary Studies on scientific research, spiritual and educational work are indicated.
A mutual cooperation agreement for 2019-2024 was concluded with the Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment. According to it: the obligations of the Republican Spirituality and Enlightenment Center and the Department of Uzbek Literary Studies on spiritual and educational affairs are indicated.
A mutual cooperation agreement for the years 2021-2024 was concluded with the creative school named after Abdulla Qadiri. A mutual cooperation agreement for the years 2020-2025 was concluded with the creative school named after Erkin Vahidov in the city of Margilan