O‘zbekiston tarixi
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan doktori, DSc
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | The research professor’s full name | Academic degree, title | The topic of the dissertation |
1 | Kholikulov Ahmadjon Boymakhammatovich | docent | Kashkadarya principality in the XIX – early XX centuries |
2 | Musaev Nuriddin Umirzoqovich | professor | The end of the XIX – beginning of the XX century The emergence and development of industrial production in Turkestan |
3 | Yunusova Khurshida Erkinovna | professor | Socio-economic processes and spiritual life in Uzbekistan in the 80s of the XX century |
4 | Ishanxadjaeva Zamira Raimovna | professor | The impact of the Soviet government’s repressive policy on the cultural life of Uzbekistan |
5 | Kobzeva Olga Petrovna | professor | Great Shelkovy’s way: analysis of the problem and perspective research |
6 | Siddikov Ravshan Berdimurotovich | docent | Reform and development of higher education in Uzbekistan in the context of globalization (1991-2021) |
7 | Tukhtabekov Kozimbek Azimbekovich | docent | The colonial nature of Tsarist Russia’s economic policy in Turkestan during the First World War |
8 | Zamonov Akbar Turgenovich | (PhD), docent | Socio-political and cultural life of Bukhara khanate during the reign of Abdullah |
9 | Khudoykulov Urol Karimovich | docent | History of light and food industry in the southern regions of Uzbekistan (1980-1990) |
10 | Norbekov Abdukomil Vafaevich | docent | The role of rural cultural institutions in the development and spiritual education of the population in Uzbekistan (1989-2000) |
11 | Baltabaeva Manzuraxon Mirzajanovna | (PhD), docent | Participation of women in a new stage of socio-economic and political process in Uzbekistan (from 2017 to present |
12 | Togaev Jasur Erkinovich | (PhD), head teacher | Issues of historical reconstruction of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages (on the example of Southern Uzbekistan) |
13 | Ernazarov Shermukhammat Eshbekovich | head teacher | A factor of historical consciousness and thinking in the development of the national idea |
14 | Usarov Umidjon Abdumavlyanovich | head teacher | The policy of the Russian Empire on land and water relations in Turkestan |
15 | Alinazarova Dildora Valisherovna | head teacher | Formation and development of periodicals in the Fergana Valley (late 19th century – 80s of the 20th century) |
16 | Muhammadiev Rahmon Rashidovich | teacher | The role of Usmon Yusupov in the socio-economic and political processes in the Uzbek SSR (1931-1966) |
17 | Primov Muhiddin Omonovich | teacher | History of cartography in Uzbekistan in 1924-1990: status, stages and problems |
18 | Shakirov Ilyas Raximzyanovich | teacher | History of Uzbekistan and Singapore (1991-2020) |
International cooperation
Local and foreign partners:
- Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- State Museum of History of Uzbekistan.
- Memorial Museum of Repression Victims.