The Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds was established in 1946 by the initiative of Doctor of Chemical Sciences O.Sadikov. In 1956, the scientific laboratory of problems of the chemistry of natural compounds was established under the department in order to study the flora more widely.
In 1946-1972, the department was held by Acad. Obid Sodikovych Sodikov; In 1972-1980 – prof. O.S. Otroshenko; In 1981-1985 and 1988-1992 – prof. H. Aslanov; In 1985-1988 – Assoc. T.K. Yunusov; In 1992-1998 – prof. S. A. Auelbekov; In 1998-2004 – Acad. SH.I. Salikhov; In 2004-2005 – prof. A.O. Sodikov; In 2005-2012 – prof. D.N. Dalimov; In 2012-2013 – Assoc. A.K. Khaitboev; Assoc. in 2013-2019. It was managed by S.A. Maulyanov, from 2019 until now it is managed by Prof. Boboev B.N.
Currently, the department teaches 10 subjects in the fields of 5140500-Chemistry (bachelor) and 5141800-Chemistry of natural physiologically active compounds, and 8 subjects in the master’s specialties 5A140501-Chemistry (Bioorganic Chemistry), 5A140502-Radiochemistry. Prof. Boboev B.N., Prof. Dalimova G.N., Assoc. KhamidovaG.R., Assoc. Maulyanov S.A. Prof. Sh.Ya. Mirzaakhmedov, Prof. A.G. Eshimbetov, as well as the employees of the Institutes of the Faculty of Arts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Prof. Sh. Khojaev S., Yuldashev Kh., PhD Yormatov B., Berdiev N. and young teachers PhD Eshbekov A., doctoral students Sarabekov A., Mustafaeva D., masters Baikhanova N., Siddikova S. are also actively working .
The monograph “Chemistry, biology and physiological properties of plants belonging to the genus Lagochilus” and a number of methodological manuals were published for undergraduate education from the departments of the department, the textbook “Introduction to the chemistry of carbohydrates and lipids” was published. permission to print. For the new academic year, the “Bioorganic Chemistry” textbook and the “Chemistry Teaching Methodology” textbooks will be created. Students of undergraduate education and master’s specialty are provided with new generation study guides.
The scientific direction of the department is dedicated to the research of medicinal plants growing in Uzbekistan, the isolation of biologically active compounds from them, their modification and the study of their biological activity. is being conducted. As a result of recent scientific research, Inebrin drug was approved for use in medical practice by the Pharmacological Committee of the UzR SSV as an anti-allergic and blood-stopping agent.
Taking into account the relevance of the scientific direction of the department and in connection with the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the department, on May 27, 2021, a Republican scientific-practical conference was held on the topic “Development and future of the chemistry of natural compounds in Uzbekistan” with the participation of foreign scientists.
During the years of independence, 18 candidates of science (PhD) and 10 doctors of science (DSc) were trained under the leadership of professors and teachers of the department.
In recent years, the department has completed the following scientific projects: OT-A-10-2 – Development of a technology for the creation and production of anti-skin cancer drugs based on certain alkaloids (scientific leader S.A. Maulyanov)
YOA-11-3 – development of new effective means with antioxidant properties based on local raw materials. (scientific leader Berdiev N.)
YOA-11-4 – Development of hemostatic collagen film production technology based on local raw materials (scientific leader Sheribetov S.G.)
PZ-2017102419 – Development of methods for obtaining potassium, magnesium, iron salts of pectin (scientific leader Eshbekov A.E.)
OT-F7-61 “New derivatives of heterocyclic compounds; synthesis, structure and biological properties” (supervisor Boboev B.N.)
We are currently working to establish cooperation with foreign organizations, in particular, the Surgut State University of Russia, the Kazakh National University named after Al Farabi, and the Xinjiang Institute of Physics and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, where several graduates of our department are currently studying for a master’s degree, and the Shanghai Institute of Materials and Medicine. relations with institutions are being established.
Chemistry of natural compounds
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
English Content
International cooperation
English Content