In order to further develop the sport of Taekwondo (WT) in the Republic of Uzbekistan, to improve the training system of highly skilled athletes and personnel, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November 16, 2017 No. 3390 “Taekwondo and The decision on the establishment of the faculty of “sports activities” was adopted.
According to the decision, in 2018, the department “Taekwondo and sports activities” was established in the presence of the faculty (5610518 – Sports activities Taekwondo WT). The main goal of the department is: the theoretical and practical teaching methodology of Taekwondo (WT), the history of the development of Taekwondo, the training of highly qualified personnel who can use modern pedagogical and information and communication technologies in educational processes, using advanced international and foreign experiences, to improve the personnel training system by involving foreign and national qualified practitioners and trainers with high degrees in educational processes, training highly qualified trainers and teachers, talented students, training professional athletes who can adequately participate in international competitions and in the field of sports consists of training talented athletes who have satisfactory knowledge and are part of the national team of Uzbekistan.
Currently, the department has developed modern training programs and methods aimed at training highly qualified turner teachers, selecting talented young athletes, and training professional athletes who can participate in international sports competitions.
Sports activities of the department (Taekwondo WT, Rugby, Wrestling) in order to further strengthen the knowledge and skills of students in the educational areas were made full and productive use in the sports complexes of the University.
The Department of “Taekwondo and Sports Activities” is provided with scientific and methodical information in the field of education, training of qualified specialists, physical education and sports. Publication of scientific articles in journals under indexation, about 30 international and republican scientific articles, more than 5 textbooks and training manuals, 2 monographs were published and the ground was created for students to gain knowledge.
The activities of more than 5 sports clubs specializing in single combat sports have been widely launched in order to develop talented and potential students and to educate them as mature specialists in their field in the future.
The department has established mutually beneficial partnerships with prestigious universities (out of 1000) in foreign countries. Including “Dankuk”, “Yongin” universities of the Republic of Korea and “Mukhtar Auvezov” universities of South Kazakhstan.
Prospective memorandums and contracts were signed with the heads of the Global Taekwondo Sports Development Fund, the heads of the Global and Asian Rugby Federations, and direct cooperation was established.
During the academic years, it was established that university scientists who took places in the prestigious rating could participate in the department with their lectures.
Students of the department regularly practice sports and regularly practice in the university sports complex in order to improve their sports skills. As a result, our country won proud places in Asian, World, Olympic and Paralympic Games (Ulugbek Rashitov, Svetlana Osipova Taekwondo WT, Ziyoda Isakova, Zukhriddin Tokhirov Partaekwondo WT) They have been making great contributions in raising it to the highest level.
The care shown by our President to young people, the university management’s effective use of the conditions created for student-athletes to fully demonstrate their potential, all this creates the need for them to be able to show their strength on international arenas.
Specialists of the department of taekwondo and sports activities will take their activities in order to achieve high goals in the future, to increase the university’s rating, to provide exemplary knowledge to young people, to educate sports trainers who will raise the flag of our country high, and to supply our society with educated, intellectually wise and patriotic personnel. are goingv
Taekwondo and sports activities
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan nomzodi, PhD
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
№ | Name and Surname of researcher | Academic degree, title | The topic of the dissertation |
1 | Aliev Iskandar Bahramovich | PhD, docent | Scientific and theoretical bases of optimization of training loads in multi-year preparatory stages in wrestling. |
2 | Kadirov Abdurashid Abduganievich | Teacher | Methods of developing psycho-physiological characteristics of young football players |
3 | Ruzimetov Rasul Tangriberganovich | Senior teacher | Development of optimal ratios of training microcycles of young players during the annual training |
4 | Boltaev Azam Akramovich | Teacher | Ways to develop the skills of volleyball in 5-6 grades with the help of outdoor games. |
5 | Utenov Ural Urazboevich | Senior teacher | Development of physical qualities of teenagers through the use of elements of wrestling. |
6 | Ibragimov Bekzod Bakhtiyorovich | Senior teacher | Methods of improving the professional skills of coaching in wrestling in the system of advanced training |
7 | Rahmatullaev Mirzoxid Sayfullo oglu | Trainee PHD | Methodology for improving the effectiveness of individual tactical actions of qualified handball players in the attack. |
8 | Kochkarov Bekzod Ozotovich | Teacher | Improving the technology of professional development of students on the example of Taekwondo. |
9 | Rakhimov Umarbek Ikromboevich | Trainee | Improving the effectiveness of technical training of young players. |
10 | Pulatov Laziz Azamat Ogli | Teacher | Mechanisms for improving the model of development of technical and tactical training of young taekwondo fighters |
11 | Almakova Rumiya Muxamadievna | Ph.D. Associate Professor | Socio-psychological features of the educational and training group and their training in the organization of educational work |
12 | Aminova Aziza Alidjanovna | Trainee | Investor in the development of the brand of sports services in Uzbekistan |
13 | Nurmetova Iroda Ulugbekovna | Trainee | Technology of special physical training of kneeling girls in the group of sports improvement. |
14 | Otajonova Laylo Bakhtiyor qizi | Trainee | Organization of entrepreneurial activity in the field of physical culture and sports. |
15 | Umurkulova Dilrabo Abdisamatovna | Trainee | The importance of leg strength in modern tennis and the benefits of restoring it during training. |
International cooperation
English Content