Until 2002, the Department of “Theory and Practice of Translation” existed in the faculty of foreign philology. The “Theory and Practice of Translation” department was founded by its founder, distinguished scientist in Uzbekistan, prof. G’.T.Salomov was the director until the end of his life. The department headed by G. T. Salomov was the first department opened in the territory of the former union in its field.
In 2002, the name of the department was changed and the department was named “English Linguistics and Theory of Translation”.
Later, the department was named “Theory of Translation and Comparative Linguistics”, “Comparative Linguistics”. Currently, the department is called the “Theory of Translation and Comparative Linguistics” department.
Associate professor G. Kh. Salimov, prof. A.A.Abduazizov, senior teachers O.M.Koshimova, M.I.Valieva, E.Z.Salakhova Ph.D., associate professor D.K. Torabekova, Ph.D., Assoc. Y. Yu. Arustamyan was in charge, then the department called “Comparative Linguistics” was headed by Ph.D., prof. I.A. Siddikova was the director. Currently, it is taught by f.f.D., Assoc. Directed by N.A. Sadullaeva.
Sadullaeva Nilufar Azimovna was born in 1973 in Tashkent. Head of the “Theory of Translation and Comparative Linguistics” department of the National University of Uzbekistan, doctor of philology, associate professor. He defended his candidate thesis in 2011. In 2020, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “Characteristics of idiosyncrasies and idiosyncrasies in the Uzbek and English languages”. So far, more than 75 scientific articles have been published in foreign and republican magazines and conference proceedings, author of 2 monographs, 2 training manuals. Participant and organizer of international scientific conferences held in Turkey, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Russia, South Korea. Coordinator of UNICAC ERASMUS+ project.
In the 2021 academic year, the name of the department was changed again to “Theory of Translation and Comparative Linguistics” and the department “Foreign Language and Literature” was established as an independent department. Currently, the department has a bachelor’s course “5120200 – Theory and practice of translation” and a master’s specialty “5A120201 – comparative linguistics, linguistic translation studies”.
Department of Translation Theory and Comparative Linguistics 10.00.06 – during the thirty-year history of the department, mature scientists have grown up in the field of comparative literature, hybrid linguistics and translation studies. Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philology Professor Abduazizov A.A. Twelve PhD and two DSc A.G. Sheremeteva and N. Otajhonov were the scientific supervisors, Doctor of Philological Sciences Professor I.A. Siddikova. six Ph.D.s were scientific supervisors.
10.00.06 – Doctoral students, basic doctorates, independent researchers are working on their doctoral dissertations to obtain PhD and DSc degrees in comparative literature, hybrid linguistics and translation studies, and f.f.D. Siddikova I.A., Ph.D.Sadullaeva N.I., Assoc. Arustamyan Ya.N., Assoc. Agzamova D.B., Kh.N Tukhlieval are acting as scientific advisors.
The Department of Translation Theory and Comparative Linguistics participates in various grants and projects:
Erasmus+ project “UNICAC – cooperation on knowledge exchange between Central Asian and Chinese universities”. Project coordinator – Sadullaeva N.A.
PZ-201709134 – “modern approach to the forms and principles of assessment of the quality of English language learning in the field of philology” practical project leader: Arustamyan Ya.Yu., members: Sadullaeva N.A., Khasanova N.
“Key Action 1-Mobility for learners and staff-Higher education student and staff mobility” Erasmus+ project member: Sadullaeva N.A.
“CLASS – Development of the module based course on Computational Linguistics” Erasmus+ project member: Sadullaeva N.A.
The Department of Translation Theory and Comparative Linguistics cooperates with international universities. Agreements have been concluded with London Metropolitan University, Norwich Language Teaching Institute, California Fullerton University, Moscow State University, Moscow State Linguistic University, Najmitdin Erbakan University and Sivas Jumhuriet University (Turkey).
Including the cooperation of the department in corporate cooperation with Chirchik Academic Lyceum under the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Academic Lyceum No. 2 under UzMU, Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies “Theory and Practice of Translation” Department, Higher Military Customs Institute “State and Foreign Languages” Department will be done.
The “young translator”, “young linguist” and “Speaking club” circles were organized in the department. Over the years, the club has been actively run by professors and students.
Today, one of the priorities of the department is the development of a program for working with young people, which ensures the formation of a new type of scientific thinking, raising the general cultural level, and implementing the idea of continuity.
Translation Theory and Comparative Linguistics
Head of the department

Kafedra mudiri
Fan doktori, DSc
Scientific title:
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
No | Research professor- teacher FISH | Scientific rank , rank | Dissertation work topic |
1. | Sadullaeva Nilufar Azimovna | ffd ., Assoc | Uzbek and English in languages of assembly and of popularity property (2020) |
2. | Siddikova Will Abduzuhurovna | ffd, prof | Speak up synonymy and his codification basics |
3. | Tukhlieva Gavhar Nurislomovna | ffn, Assoc | English in the language thought of the statement actualized features |
4. | Agzamova Deal Bahadirzhanovna | ffn, Assoc | A memory concepting English and Uzbek in their languages common and to himself special features |
5. | Solyeva Princess Abduzuhurovna | ffn, Assoc | English and Uzbek in their languages of the word phonological structure comparative typological analysis to do |
6. | Babaeva Salima Ruzievna | ffn, Assoc | English and Uzbek in their languages of the word phonological structure comparative typological analysis to do |
7. | Arustamyan Again Yurievna | ffn, Assoc | K. Vonnegut’s novels Russian to the language translation of doing lexical-semantic problems |
8. | Rahimova Shakhnoza Polvonnazirovna | ffn, Assoc | English language idiomatic phrases Uzbek to the language to jump linguistically characteristics |
Confirmed dissertation topics
9. | Toshpolatova Visala | Big teacher | Fantastic genre of novels English from the language Uzbek to the language in the translation linguopragmatic and kingvomadani aspects ( D. Rowling novels example ) |
10. | Umarova Rare | Big teacher | Modern in society mothers speech sociolinguistic study ( Uzbek and English languages example ) |
11. | Burieva hope | Big teacher | Discursive in the analysis happened incomplete sentences and their sociopragmatic features |
12. | Israilova Snake Khalitovna | Big teacher | serials based on medicine of students English in the language speaker communicative competence of improvement methodical model ( Dr. House ) |
13. | Sobirova Lily Karimbaevna | seeker | English and Uzbek in their languages semantic – stylistics of paronyms |
14. | Mirkhodjaeva Feruza | Big teacher | English and Uzbek political in his discourse of politeness sociopragmatic features |
15. | Khozhimatova Albina Askarovna | seeker | ” In Uzbekistan digital tools profession to education integrate “ |
16. | Bakhtiyarova Fascinated Bakhtiyorovna | seeker | XXI century in literature of anthroponyms linguistic and cultural interpretation ( English and Uzbek writers works example ) |
International cooperation
Local and foreign partners:
- Tajikistan Jalalabad February 2019 – March 2022
- Turkey Ankara University February 2019 – March 2022