The Department of General and Oil and Gas Chemistry was established in 2019 on the basis of the Department of General Chemistry, and the Department of General Chemistry was founded in 1981 on the initiative of Professor T.S. Sirliboyev, a public education worker who served in Uzbekistan, Doctor of Chemical Sciences.
The department was headed by Prof. T.S. Sirliboyev in 1981-2008, Prof. S. Z. Nurmonov in 2009-2019, and D. Kh. Mirkhamitova, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, since 2019.
The scientific direction of the department is “Catalytic synthesis of new organic compounds based on local raw materials – oil, natural gas and their processing products, studying their properties and fields of application.” Since 1991, 7 doctors of science and 17 candidates of science have been trained in this field from the staff of the department and other cooperating organizations. Currently, 16 researchers are working on their doctoral theses. More than 650 scientific works, 6 monographs, 2 textbooks and 24 educational and methodical manuals were published as a result of the scientific-research works, 8 patents were obtained.
General and oil and gas chemistry
Head of the department
History of the department
The composition of the department

Scientific activity
English Content
International cooperation
English Content