Head of the Department of Management of the Compliance Control System to Fight Against Corruption
- 100174 University str 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
- Wednesday - Friday, 15:00 - 17:00
- +998 91 191-88-00
- Sh.gulomov@listru
Combating corruption, the “Compliance Control” system management department carries out the following activities:
- supervises compliance with laws and legal documents related to the fight against corruption in the university, as well as the decisions and orders of the Council of Ministers;
- the law on corruption develops measures and work plans aimed at preventing violations, ensures their complete, high-quality and timely execution, studies the state of implementation of the specified measures, prepares information on the results ;
- implements the “Corruption-free sphere” project at the university;
- develops drafts of internal documents aimed at implementing anti-corruption measures at the university and submits them to the rector for approval;
- develops proposals to eliminate corrupt norms identified in the internal documents of the university;
- evaluates corruption risks at the university and develops action plans for their reduction;
- examines appeals and anonymous reports about corruption risks and offenses in the behavior of professors and teachers, management, technical, service and teaching staff of the university and takes measures in accordance with the established procedure willing;
- maintains a register of service investigations on corruption facts at the university;
- participates in the analysis of conflicts of interest and checks the reliability of counterparties in the implementation of public procurement;
- monitors conflicts of interest among university employees and makes appropriate proposals;
- regularly organizes preventive talks between university professors and teachers, management, technical, service, educational support staff;
- conducts surveys among professors, teachers, management, technical, service, teaching and support staff, students (masters, doctoral students, independent researchers) and the population in order to identify corrupt situations in the university’s activities;
- regularly evaluates the results and impact of anti-corruption campaign measures based on surveys, social and other research, and uses the evaluation results to determine further measures;
- organizes conferences, meetings, seminars, contests aimed at fighting corruption among professors and teachers, students and youth;
- evaluates the effectiveness of measures taken in the field of fighting corruption at the university;
- investigates the conditions and reasons for committing corruption offenses at the university, as well as develops proposals for their elimination;
- ensures regular updating of information in the section “Combating Corruption” on the official website of the university;
- quarterly and as necessary reports on the anti-corruption activities and the corruption situation at the university to the Rector) and the Department of Compliance Control and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education;
- Establish effective cooperation in the field of combating corruption with the Department of Compliance Control and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and other state bodies and organizations engaged in anti-corruption activities, as well as with parents. ate
- supervises the anti-corruption activities of the academic lyceum under the university;
- monitors anti-corruption activities at the university, submits analytical materials to the management and the ministry.