Musurmonov Ulug’bek Amirkulovich – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 71 227 18 96

Information Technology Center to the Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 25, 2001 No. 230 on the measures to organize the development of the program for the development of computer and information technologies in 2001-2005, to ensure the widespread penetration of the Internet into international information systems based on the decision of the Scientific Council of the university and the order of the rector of the university 01-475 dated September 22, 2001, it was established on the basis of the Computing Center. No. 9-2021 of the Ministry of Higher Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 16, 2021, No. 20-2021-Q/Q of the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations dated April 12, and No. 22 of the Ministry of Finance dated April 7, 2021 Based on the decision “On the introduction of management, technical, service providers and additions to higher educational institutions”, the Center for Digital Education Technologies was established and started operating on the basis of the Information Technology Center.
Under the authority of the Center for Digital and Information Technologies (RATM).
- Introduction of digital educational technologies,
- Network management and technical support,
- Departments for ensuring information security operate.
Currently, the University has 40 computer classes. The main task of the center is to carry out management and control work on the application and use of information and communication technologies in the educational and administrative management process of the university.
Information about the activity of the center
The center plans its activity and development in terms of developing software and multimedia products and other products, provided services and types of work, and determines the expansion of the center’s production, social and material-technical base. Conducts contractual relations with customers and suppliers of technical resources and devices on the types of services and work provided. The Center can fulfill the orders of economic entities and natural persons on the basis of the contract in accordance with the procedure specified in the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Regulations of the OZMU. The economic activity of the center with other organizations, enterprises, natural and legal persons is established with the help of contractual relations in all areas. The Center has the right to freely choose the subject of the contract, obligations and other conditions of economic relations, if it does not contradict the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Regulations of the OZMU.
The center provides the following types of activities:
- Creation and introduction of modern forms of personnel training, retraining and professional development.
- Application of work in the field of information technologies and multimedia systems to the fields of higher education and science.
- Development of distance education and training, organization of its didactic and methodical support.
- Ensuring mutual information relations with organizations, libraries, scientific research institutes, enterprises and higher educational institutions of foreign countries and republics.
- Provision of Internet and e-mail services.
- Organization of service for computing equipment, computers, their repair and modernization.
- Design, implementation and adjustment of information-computer networks and systems.
- Creation and implementation of software products for data collection and processing.
- Organization and conduct of scientific research, research, design and experimental work.
- Organization and conducting of distance video training courses, video conferences.
The main goals and tasks of the center are as follows:
- Coordination of the intellectual and informational resources of OZMU to solve the issues highlighted in the national personnel training program.
- Informatization of the educational process, development of information marketing services in the field of education, application of new information technologies and research results to the educational process.
- Free exchange of knowledge, ideas, scientific and practical results on intellectual activity, which are considered to be the main factors of economic and spiritual revival, support of the unified information and education space of the Republic of Uzbekistan.