Raxmonov Komiljon Radjabovich – Dean of the faculty 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9

Quvatov Dilmurod – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9

Isoqov Jahongir Isoqovich – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9
Brief information about the Faculty of Hydrometeorology
Faculty of Hydrometeorology of National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek was established on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PD-No. 4896 dated November 17, 2020 to improve the activities of the Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the order of the Rector of the National University No. 01-265 dated June 17, 2021
2. About Professor Teachers
- 4 doctor of science
- 5 candidate
- 3 PhD
- 7 Teachers without academic degree
Number of educational programs:
- Bachelor – in _3_ direction
- Master’s degree – in _5_ specialty
- Academic Councils awarding degrees
- In specialties (DSc, PhD)
Directions of bachelor’s degree:
- 60520100-Hydrometeorology;
- 60530100-Meteorology and climatology;
- 60530800-Hydrology (by branches).
Joint educational program
- Meteorology and climatology (Russian);
- Created jointly with the Russian State Hydrometeorological University from the 2021-2021 academic year.
Distance learning:
- 60520100 – Hydrometeorology;
- 60530800 – Hydrology.
Master’s degree:
- 70520101-Meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology (by type of activity);
- 70520102-Hydrometeorology (by type of activity);
- 70520103-Climate change and climate risk assessment;
- 70520104-Glaciology and monitoring of snow cover;
- 70530801-Hydrology (by study objects).
The faculty has departments:
- Land hydrology;
- Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring;
- Meteorology and climatology.
Scientific laboratories
The hydraulics and hydrometry laboratory was commissioned in 2017, equipped with the latest technology of the German company.
The laboratory is equipped with the following equipment:
- HM 115 Simulator for studying the law of hydrostatics;
- HM 150.18 Osborna-Reynolds experiment
- HM 150.07 Bernoulli principle;
- HM 150.08 Reactive power measurement;
- HM 150.21 Visualization of flow movement in an open channel.
These instruments are used to measure static and dynamic water pressure, Bernoulli’s principle, types of flow, laminar and turbulent regimes, hydraulic shock, Reynolds number and other laws of hydraulics.
Research topics
The teaching staff of the faculty carries out research work on melting ice and their monitoring, determining the low-water cycle of rivers, the formation of dangerous hydrological phenomena and methods of their early detection, monitoring and preservation of the hydrological regime of natural water bodies in conditions of climate change, which are urgent problems today. areas of hydrology, hydrometeorology, meteorology.
In particular, B.E. Adenbaev is engaged in research “The current state of the hydrological regime and water supply in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya River”, F.Ya.Artikova “Hydrological regime of rivers in urbanized territories” N.Z.Sagdeev “Physical and geographical conditions for the formation of water resources and hydrological regime of small low-mountain rivers of Uzbekistan”, G.U. Umirzakov “Modeling the formation of the hydrological regime of river waters and research using stable isotopes”.
Achieved result. Research conducted by faculty members is carried out on the basis of national and international grants. In particular, projects implemented under grants from the Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan:
Under the guidance of Professor F.Kh. Khikmatov, fundamental research was carried out on the OT-F5 grant “Study of the regularities of the hydrological regime of rivers and the formation of water resources in Uzbekistan and adjacent territories under climate change conditions” and OTF6-062 “Study of some regularities of hydrological and natural geographical processes in the Aral Sea basin “and associate professors G.Kh. Yunusov applied research Mv-Atex-2018-145” Development of technologies for increasing the efficiency and operational reliability of the use of regulated irrigation canals. “
Within the framework of the program of cooperation between Uzbekistan and India in the field of science and technology, associate professors K.R. Rakhmonov and G.U. Umirzakov, as well as Dr. Renji Remesan, a scientist from the Indian Institute of Water Resources, is implementing a scientific project on the topic “Assessment of the impact of water scarcity, drought and climate change on droughts and climate change in arid and semi-arid regions of Uzbekistan and India” for 2021-2023. in the amount of 1.5 billion soums.
International connections.
The Faculty of Hydrometeorology cooperates with a number of prestigious universities in Germany, Russia, India and Kazakhstan. In particular, on November 18 and December 2, 2021, Dr. Thomas Sachs from the University of Friborg (581-590 places in the German OS) gave a lecture on the basics of glaciology (12 hours) for 1st year masters in the specialty 705201104.-Hydrometeorology.
International student exchange
In cooperation with the National University of Uzbekistan and Moscow State University, an exchange of students has been established. In particular, in the 2019-2020 academic year, 20 students-hydrometeorologists and hydrologists underwent summer practice under the guidance of teachers D.M. Turgunov and Yu.T. Khamzaeva in the field practice zone of Moscow State University. In the 2020-2021 academic year, 20 MSU students completed winter practice at the Charvak field practice.