Online meeting with representatives of the Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Southern Federal University of the Russian Federation
On October 10, 2023, an online meeting was held with Bondarev Maksim Germanovich, vice-rector of the Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Southern Federal University of the Russian Federation, and the head of the “Department of Psychology” of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Uzbekistan, professors and teachers of this department and employees of the international department. took place. During the meeting, the issues of re-signing the memorandum concluded with the university were discussed. M. G. Bondarev, vice-rector of the Southern Federal University, made suggestions on expanding cooperation activities. Also, the vice-rector made a presentation about participation in scientific projects, establishing academic mobility of students and teachers, the structure of the university, the work carried out in the field of modern science, and the results of the international rating.
During the online dialogue, directions for cooperation were determined. Along with the signing of the memorandum, issues of cooperation in scientific directions, exchange of experiences in the field of inclusive education, holding of scientific conferences on the topics of sustainable development goals in cooperation, and publication of co-authored articles in scientific journals of universities were discussed. Also, the possibility of reviewing abstracts and scientific articles of young researchers conducting scientific research at the university was studied.
At the end of the meeting, the parties included cooperation in these directions in the memorandum and mutually agreed on the issues of signing this document at the next stage.