Head of Marketing and Student Practice Department
- 100174 University str 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
- Monday - Friday, 14:00 - 17:00
- +99871 246-58-89
The Department of Marketing and Student Practice performs the following activities:
- Ensuring the execution of decisions of the Board of Orders of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as orders of the university and decisions of the Council within the period specified in the department, control and determining appropriate measures;
- In cooperation with deans and heads of departments, organization and implementation of the distribution of university graduates in accordance with the “Regulation on the procedure for targeted training of personnel based on a state grant”;
- Formation of a database based on the study of the needs of enterprises, institutions and organizations for highly educated personnel being trained at a higher educational institution;
- Systematically analyzes and evaluates the processes of employment of graduates of higher educational institutions, directs the activities of the higher educational institution to meet the real needs of personnel of institutions, enterprises and organizations in the area where the higher educational institution is located;
- Taking into account the rapid change of the processes of marketing service in the higher education system and the interrelationship with the dynamics of the labor market development, in cooperation with potential employers (consumers), to study the need for highly educated young professionals in the branches and sectors of the republic’s economy by regions;
- Participates in the processes of preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions regarding the directions of personnel training and the market of educational services in the higher education system. Development of practical proposals for ensuring competitive personnel training and implementation of relevant measures;
- During the process of personnel training, discussing the requirements of customers regarding the quality of personnel in the council of the higher education institution, organizing the advertising of graduates through television, radio, newspapers and other mass media;
- Studying the labor market situation, formulating proposals for admission parameters based on the orders of consumers for graduates, submitting documents to the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education in a timely manner on the organization of the database of the higher education institution on admission, student contingent, and referral of graduates to work;
- To study the processes of organizing student practice in enterprises, institutions and organizations, to analyze the results of the study and to develop problems and suggestions and present them to the management of the higher education institution.