ZikirovObidjan Salijanovich – Dean of the faculty 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9
E-mail: zikirov_os@nuu.uz

Narzullayev Nurbek Xamroqulovich – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9

Jo‘rayev Rustqm Mexriddinovich – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9

Muxamadiyev Farxod G‘ofirjonovich – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9

Mamatqulov Musajon Mashrabjon o’g’li – Deputy Dean 100174 Tashkent city, Almazor district, University street 4
Wednesday – Friday, 15:00 – 17:00
Tel: +998 9
The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics is one of the oldest faculties of the National University of Uzbekistan, it was established as a department in the Union of the People’s University of Turkestan.
In the period of 1918-1932 in different years the heads of the physico-mathematical department worked: prof. VI Romanovsky, Prof. S.N. Naumov, prof. A.V. Blagoveshensky, prof. V.G.Mukhin, prof. O.K. Lange, Associate Professor I.A. Teplov.
In 1932, on the basis of the physics and mathematics department, the Physics and Mathematics Department was established. In the post of dean of this faculty worked: Associate Professor R.R. Tsummerman (1933-1934), Associate Professor A.P. Domorjad (1934-1935), Associate Professor A.L. Perelnik (1935-1936), prof. VI Romanovsky (1936-1938) prof. A.A. Skvortsov (1938-1954), associate professor M.M. Slutonova (1954-1959).
In 1959 two faculties were created on the basis of the physics and mathematics faculty: physics and mechanics and mathematics. The first Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics was Associate Professor M. M. Slutonova. In 1961-1965 in the post of dean of this faculty was the associate professor M.A Sabirov, in 1965-1971 the senior lecturer M.Vahidov.
In 1971, on the basis of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty, two faculties were created: mathematical and applied mathematics and mechanics. Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics was elected prof. J.H Khadjiev, then the deans worked prof. AS Sadullaev (1985-1992), prof. A.Azamov (1992-1993), prof. G. Khudoyberganov (1993-1994).
In 1994, in connection with the merger of the faculties of mathematics and applied mathematics and mechanics, the faculty was again called mechanical and mathematical. Deans of the faculty were: Prof. G. Khudoyberganov (1994-2001), prof. R.R. Ashurov (2001-2003), prof. B.A.Shoimkulov (2003-2013), Assoc. D.H.Djumaboev (2013-2015), Assoc. Khudoiberdiev A.Kh. (2015-2017). Accos. N.M.Zhabborov (2017-2019), Assoc. А.R.Kutlimuratov (2019-2020). .Since 2020 the faculty is headed by professor O.S.Zikirov.
21 graduates of the faculty were academicians: Kori-Niyozi T.N., Urazboev M.T., Sarimsokov T.A., Sirozhiddinov S.Kh.,Salohitdinov M.S., Zhuraev T.Zh., Azlarov T.A., Farmonov, Sh.Қ. Satimov, N. Yu. Khodzhiev, Zh.X. Sadullaev, A.S. Ayupov, Sh.A. Kabulov, V. Rashidov T.R., Bondarenko B.A., Muborakov J.N., Buriev T., Abutaliev F.B., Fayzullaev Zh.D., Buzin E.I., Filatov A.N. and also more than 100 of graduates became doctors of sciences and professors. More than 50 graduates of the faculty successfully work in different foreign scientific centers and universities.
Currently, more than 120 professors and teachers are preparing future specialists. Of these, 6 academicians, about 40 doctors of science – professors, more than 50 candidates of science-docent.