Tagaev Behzod – Head of department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 97 265 43 71
History and activities of the department
The Department of Regional Economics and Management is considered one of the leading in the economy of the republic, which trains highly qualified personnel. The department was formed on the basis of Management and Regional Economics. The Department of Management was first established in 1991 under the name Department of Economics and Production Management. In 1998 the department was renamed into Management. In 1991-2002, the Department of Management was headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor Mukhiddinov Renat Muzaffarovich , in 2002-2005, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Sodikova Iroda Anvarovna , in 2006-2011, Doctor of Economics Mamatov Akhmadzhon Atadzhonovich . The Department of Regional Economics was created under the name of the Department of Regional Studies and Sectoral Economics in accordance with the order of the rector of the National University of Uzbekistan dated June 15, 2002 No. 01-381. Then, by order of the rector of the university dated June 29, 2005, it was transformed into the Department of Regional Economics. From 2002 to 2011, the department was headed by Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Kayumov Abdukhakim Abdukhamidovich. |
In 2011, on the basis of the departments of Regional Economics and the Department of Management, the Department of Regional Economics and Management was created, in 2011 it was headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Muminov Nozim Gaffarovich, in 2012-2016, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor Halmirzaev Akhmadzhon Akhunovich , in 2016- 2017, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Rakhmonov Rasul Nematovich, in 2017-2018, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Khashimov Pazlidin Zukurovich, in 2018-2021, doctor of economic sciences, professor Sodikov Avaz Madaminovich. Since December 1, 2021, the department is headed by Doctor of Economics Tagaev Bekzod Ergashevich.
Subjects taught at the department
№ | Subject name | Brief information about the subject |
1 | Economic theory | Developing the theoretical foundations of economic knowledge collected all over the world and integrated into a single system, basic concepts, categories, laws, principles of economics, their characteristics and mechanisms of action, as well as the ability to apply them in practice. |
2 | History of economic studies | formation of an economic worldview based on the analysis of the formation and development of economic thought, views, ideas, theories and doctrines representing the interests of individuals, social groups and society as a whole |
3 | Business planning | formation of knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of formation of a set of knowledge on the development and implementation of a business plan as a document defining the strategy and tactics of doing business |
4 | Accounting and auditing | Theoretical foundations of economic knowledge, objects of accounting and auditing, economic resources and sources of their origin, establishment of mutual settlements between enterprises, reduction of accounts receivable and accounts payable, types and forms of audit, formation of complete and reliable information about the financial activities of enterprises, to present, to teach him the regulatory framework and to form the ability to apply them in practice |
5 | Статистика | formation of deep professional knowledge and necessary pedagogical skills in the field of methodology and practice of statistics |
6 | Microeconomics and macroeconomics | teaching the theoretical foundations of economic knowledge, basic concepts and categories of economics, economic laws and principles and developing the ability to apply them in practice |
7 | Management and Marketing | teaching theoretical foundations, basic concepts and categories, principles of knowledge in the field of management and marketing and developing the ability to apply them in practice |
8 | Innovative economy | The development of skills for the effective use of innovations in the field of economics, including scientific research, economic analysis and pedagogical activity, as well as the formation and application of theoretical knowledge on theoretical and practical issues of accelerating scientific and technological progress and improving the efficiency of industrial production. |
9 | Shadow economy | development of skills of economic secrecy and anti-corruption, providing knowledge about the causes, nature and socio-economic consequences of clandestine economic activity |
10 | Fundamentals of Econometrics | Quantitative study of the causes and consequences of changes in economic processes or events based on an in-depth study of the basics of econometric analysis and econometric modeling. |
11 | Higher Mathematics | Study of mathematical knowledge used in modeling economic processes |
12 | Digital and information technologies | In-depth and comprehensive acquaintance of students with modern technical means, methods of using operating systems and tools, principles and methods of automation of computing processes, as well as opportunities and directions of digitalization in various sectors of the economy. |
13 | World economy and international economic relations | Provision of theoretical and practical knowledge of the world economy and international economic relations, formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the profile of the direction for in-depth analysis of the patterns of development of the world economy and international economic relations. |
14 | Branch economy | formation of the necessary knowledge on theoretical and practical issues of the development of the market economy, agriculture, industry, economic construction in a crisis situation based on the laws and rules of the free market |
15 | Digital Economy | formation of perspective ideas about high-tech and advanced technological methods of organizing economic activity based on digital platforms and the development of economic, technological, organizational and managerial knowledge based on the determinants of the digital economy, the formation of theoretical and practical knowledge about the scale and content of the digital economy; the introduction of interrelated (effective, high-tech) technologies and their implementation |
16 | Institutional economics | formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the study of both theoretical and practical aspects of the formation and development of institutional economics, methods of studying the activities of economic entities |
17 | State regulation of the economy | features, forms and methods, means of state regulation of the economy, the formation of systematic, comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills of economic policy of the state. |
18 | Economic security | Providing theoretical and practical knowledge about the priorities of the country’s economic security, recognizing the vital interests of the state and the individual. |
19 | Labor economy | legislation in the field of labor relations, including the essence of the category of labor, specific forms of labor processes, the effectiveness of labor market development and its mechanism, theoretical and practical aspects of employment, labor organization, wages, labor productivity, to teach a number of issues related to labor productivity, standard of living and income, labor migration and develop the ability to apply it in practice |
20 | Infrastructure economics | Training in theoretical and practical aspects of infrastructure economics of industries and sectors. |
21 | Modernization and diversification of the economy | Training in theoretical and practical aspects of modernization and diversification of the economy. |
22 | Economy. Practice | possession of practical skills of theoretical knowledge and formation of methodological approaches to economic phenomena and processes |
23 | Money and banks | to provide deep theoretical and practical knowledge about the necessity, the essence of money, theory and monetary circulation, credit and credit relations, banks and the banking system, the organization of international currency movement |
24 | Fundamentals of entrepreneurship | formation of theoretical and practical professional knowledge, skills and competencies about the essence of economics and entrepreneurship, their role in the development of society and their role in solving the problem of employment |
25 | Human development | Teaching theoretical and practical aspects of human development and living standards in Uzbekistan and in the world. |
26 | Economic growth models | Teaching theoretical and practical aspects of economic growth and its models. |
27 | Real sector economics | Teaching theoretical and practical aspects of economics in production, trade and services. |
28 | Macroeconomic analysis | To provide knowledge on the methodology and practice of economic analysis of the activities of economic sectors. |
29 | Startup Technologies | Provide knowledge on the implementation and management of business projects and startups. |
30 | Investment Management | To provide knowledge about the mechanism of formation of the investment system, organizational, economic, regulatory, scientific and methodological foundations of investment assessment, the main directions, forms and methods of investment assessment. |
31 | Analysis of investment projects | The purpose of teaching the subject “Analysis of investment projects” is to teach students the theoretical and practical basics of designing, analyzing and selecting effective projects in practice. |
32 | Strategic planning | teach the scientific foundations of strategic planning and forecasting and develop the ability to apply them in practice |
33 | State budget and treasury system | Expansion and deepening of theoretical knowledge about the budget process of the Republic of Uzbekistan, treasury execution of the state budget, formation of practical skills on the priorities of modernization of the public finance system at the present stage of institutional reforms in the country. |
34 | Creative thinking | Knowledge of non-traditional methods of achieving tasks and goals, non-standard solutions and creative thinking. |
35 | International marketing | In-depth and comprehensive acquaintance with the modern concept of international marketing, its principles, objectives and methods, the essence of the brand’s pricing and export policy and their significance in international marketing, international marketing strategies and international communication media. |
36 | Practical accounting | Knowledge about the use of information software packages used in accounting is provided. |
37 | Taxes and taxation | Providing knowledge of financial system management based on a comprehensive and in-depth study of the tax system, methods of implementing tax policy, financial and tax control, financial management of enterprises |
38 | Corporate Finance | Creation of a commercial organization by voluntary merger of the property of legal entities and individuals and ensuring monetary relations related to the activities of the established commercial organization, as well as providing information about an independent branch of the financial system |
39 | Regional economy | to teach the implementation of various natural and climatic conditions, economic potential, market reforms, first of all, at the regional level, to expand the responsibility and powers of territorial authorities in solving existing socio-economic problems and transferring important economic issues from the sector to the regional level |
40 | System analysis | Improving public administration, allocating production capacity, determining the demand for labor and equipment, determining the needs for various products, etc. |
41 | Global economic development | Providing a number of theoretical knowledge about the content, main directions, socio-economic consequences of modern concepts and ideas, etc. |
42 | Introduction to social security and social policy | Improvement of the mechanism of implementation of the state social policy, consistent improvement of the level and quality of life, training in the essence of the system of measures aimed at supporting socially vulnerable segments of the population. |
43 | Linear algebra | To develop the skills of analyzing economic problems by methods of linear algebra, analysis and substantiation of the results obtained. |
44 | The economics of the social sphere | training in the theoretical foundations of social economics, laws, principles and categories of development and the formation of skills to apply the knowledge gained in practice |
45 | Fundamentals of sustainable development and green economy | theoretical knowledge, practical skills, methodological approach to the green economy and the formation of a scientific worldview, knowledge of the content of laws and categories, the role and significance of a person in life through the formation of a personal attitude to them |
46 | Money, credit and banking | to provide deep theoretical and practical knowledge about the necessity, the essence of money, theory and monetary circulation, credit and credit relations, banks and the banking system, the organization of international currency movement |
47 | Finance | Expansion and deepening of theoretical and practical knowledge about the financial system, corporate finance, public finance, the budget process in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the execution of the state budget, the formation of skills to improve the efficiency of budget execution in the financial system, including financing; |
48 | Foreign experience of pension system development | The emergence and stages of development of pension systems, models of reforming pension systems in the world, the formation of systemic, comprehensive knowledge, economic views and skills for the formation and development of the pension system in Uzbekistan. |
49 | State pension provision and calculation of pensions | to provide theoretical knowledge about state pension provision, to form professional knowledge and necessary skills in them to learn from world experience and the role of institutional reforms in this area in the management of the pension system |
50 | Accumulative pension provision | to provide theoretical knowledge about accumulative pension provision and activation of the investment process, to form comprehensive knowledge and practical skills about the benefits of accumulative pension provision and management and to improve the activation of the investment process |
51 | Poverty and ways to reduce it | formation of a system complex of knowledge, economic outlook and skills about the concept of poverty, its causes, the need to strengthen the targeted social protection system in reducing poverty, the essence and mechanism of implementation |
52 | Social insurance | to study the theoretical and practical foundations of social insurance in a market economy based on world experience |
53 | Taxes and taxation | knowledge of financial system management based on a comprehensive and in-depth study of the tax system, methods of implementing tax policy, financial and tax control, financial management of enterprises |
54 | Fundamentals of entrepreneurship | formation of theoretical and practical professional knowledge, skills and competencies about the essence of entrepreneurship, their role in the development of society and their role in solving the problem of employment |
55 | International protocol and etiquette | Teaching theoretical and practical aspects of international protocol and etiquette. |
56 | Financial market | To teach the essence, structure, subjects and objects, mechanisms, methods of financial market regulation. |
57 | Global economic development | to give a number of theoretical knowledge about the content, main directions, socio-economic consequences of modern concepts and ideas, etc. |
58 | Probability theory and mathematical statistics | To give a clear idea of classical statistical processes, to study methods for creating a mathematical model of these processes and finding solutions, mathematical analysis of solutions, processing numerical sampling of data from stochastic experiments and developing practical skills to create appropriate statistical conclusions. |
59 | Economic and mathematical models and methods | Implementation of stages and decision-making processes at enterprises based on various forms of ownership, analysis of their economic activities and effective use of economic and mathematical methods and models and modern information technologies in solving practical problems that may arise in this area. |
60 | Financial mathematics | To develop knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of analysis of international and domestic trade and investment projects, to know how to make scientifically sound financial decisions using quantitative methods, to master quantitative methods used in international financial and credit systems. |
61 | Time series analysis | Analyze changes in economic processes over time, model time series and check their adequacy, develop forecasting skills based on time series models. |
62 | Actuarial mathematics | The laws of political and territorial organization and development of society, the processes of formation and development of the political map of the world, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the geographical aspects of foreign economic relations. |
63 | Financial programming | formation of systematized knowledge and skills on macroeconomic theory, macroeconomic analysis and macroeconomic policy of the state |
64 | Technical analysis of the capital market | to study the basics of theory and practice of technical analysis of currency and securities markets |
65 | Risk management and insurance | To provide theoretical knowledge on risk management, to develop practical risk management skills and to form modern knowledge, skills and abilities. |
66 | Game Theory in Economics | A discipline that teaches theoretical knowledge and practical skills of managerial decision-making, the choice of optimal strategies and decisions, allowing to identify options for decision-making in management in modern conditions of organizational, economic and production systems. |
67 | Macroeconomic analysis and forecasting | To provide knowledge on theoretical and practical issues necessary for the analysis and forecasting of the country’s economy in a modern market economy. |
Researchers and Research Works
Information about the scientific school created at the department A scientific school has been established on the topic “Prospects for the effective use and management of human resources in the regions of Uzbekistan”. |
Researchers who defended their dissertations at the department
Full name of the researcher | The topic of the dissertation work |
Ким Татяна Валерьевна | Improving the conceptual foundations of tourism development in the context of economic modernization. |
Batirova Nilufar Sherkulovna | Directions of industrial development of the region in the conditions of the formation of an innovative economy (Case of the Tashkent region) |
Gafurov Anvar Bazarbaevich | Improving the information system in the corporate governance of the coal industry |
Asadov Khurshed Sadullaevich | Improving the method of assessing and forecasting economic development of the regions |
Tskhay Lana Alexandrovna | Prospects for life expectancy and demographic and socio-economic aspects of mortality in Uzbekistan |
The researchers conducting the study at the Department
Full name of the researcher | The topic of the dissertation work |
Djumabaeva Shoira Khalillaevna | Main directions and problems of economic and demographic development of the Republic of karakalnakstan |
Nazarova Feruza Usmonovna | Methodological basis for the formation of the strategy of socio-economic development of rural areas |
Musaeva Dilnaza Dilshatovna | Improving the management of the insurance market development in the regions of Uzbekistan |
Begimova Dilshoda Komiljonova | Effective use of the natural and economic potential of the regions on the basis of cluster policy |
Egamberdiev Komron Farmonkul’s Son | Ecological characteristics of strategic development of mitakas of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
Abdusattorov is a free Abdujabbar son | ”Improvement of the system of assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of senior personnel in the higher education system” |
Information about fundamental, practical and innovative grants at the department
The staff of the department has successfully implemented two practical grants in 2000-2020.
dots.MajidovN.M. F-1-16 – State research “Study of the mechanisms of influence of the pension fund on the investment process in Uzbekistan”, from 2012 to 2016 53 million 890 thousand.
Professor Kayumov A.A. led by A-7-34. “Practical ways of solving environmental problems arising from the impact of industrial facilities on the environment and nature in the Zarafshan region” (2015-2017) – 28 million sum.
Information on domestic and foreign partners
Name of the organization and institution | Information about branches |
Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan | In each region there is an economic department, and in each district there is a branch. |
Extrabudgetary Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Each area has a department, each area has a department. |
Institute for Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research | |
Private Joint Stock Bank “Trustbank” | There are branches |
Bremenhafen University of Applied Sciences, Germany | |
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy |
Department structure
№ | Full name of Professor-teachers | Academic degree, title |
1 | Sodikov A.M. | Head of the Department, doctor of economics Professor |
2 | Tursunov Sh.A. | doctor of economics Professor |
3 | Bekmurodov N.H. | Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor |
4 | Fayzieva Sh.R. | Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor |
5 | Dzhumanova R.F. | Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor |
6 | Kholmirzaev A.A. | Phd, Associate Professor |
7 | Adilov B.B. | Phd, Associate Professor |
8 | Tskhay L.A. | Phd, Senior Lecturer |
9 | Gofurov A.B. | Phd, Senior Lecturer |
10 | Nigmatova D.Z. | Senior Lecturer |
11 | Musayeva Z.N. | Senior Lecturer |
12 | Elmonov B.E. | Lecturer |
13 | Gulomov Z.T. | Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor |
14 | Saijabborova Sh | Phd, Associate Professor |
15 | Shaizakov B. | Senior Lecturer |
16 | Alikulov A. | Lecturer |
17 | Nazarova S.Sh | Lecturer |
18 | Nazarov Sh.Kh. | Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor |
19 | Tagaev B | Senior Lecturer |
20 | Majidov N.M. | Phd, Associate Professor |
21 | Zokirov S.S | Phd, Associate Professor |
22 | Kholov A. | Phd, Associate Professor |
23 | Otaboev Sh.Kh. | Phd, Associate Professor ) |
24 | Niyazov M.A. | Lecturer |
25 | Ermamatov K. | Lecturer |
26 | Nazarov N.N. | Lecturer |
27 | Dzhumabaeva Sh.X | Lecturer |