Yunusov Golib – Head of the department
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Friday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 90 952-24-83
The department was organized in 1945 on the initiative of professors NL Korzhenevsky, VM Chetyrkin, VL Shultz, OP Shcheglova and others. These scientists are the founders of the scientific school “Mountain Hydrology”.
At the beginning of the 50s of the last century, the training of geographers-hydrologists, and subsequently of engineers-hydrologists, began.
After the Republic gained independence, the department began training bachelors – hydrometeorologists since 1995, and since 2001 on the basis of this direction, magistracy specialties have been opened.
In different years, such famous scientists-hydrologists as professors V.L. Shultz, O.P. Shcheglova, V.E. Chub, E.I. Chembarisov, associate professors – Z.V. Dzhorzhio, P.M. Mashukov, R.Mashrapov, N.K. Lukina, L.I.Shalatova, I.R. Alimukhamedov, A.R.Rasulov, E.M. Videneeva, M.A.Nosirov and others.
Over the past period, the department has trained more than 1500 hydrological engineers, bachelors-hydrometeorologists, as well as more than 50 masters in hydrology and hydrometeorology. Today, more than 40 of them have a doctorate in science, more than 250 – a candidate of sciences.
Currently, the department employs 1 doctor of sciences, professors, 4 candidates of sciences, 2 senior teachers, 2 teachers and 1 basic doctoral student. Also, when teaching students, scientists and specialists from the Hydrometeorological Research Institute, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, G. Mamazhonova, and Candidate of Technical Sciences B.E. Nishonov, will take part in the educational process.
The department has full-time and part-time education in the areas of 60530800-Hydrology (land hydrology), master’s degree in the specialties 75030801-Hydrology (by type of activity). A system of basic doctoral studies (PhD) and doctoral studies (DSc) has been created in the specialties 11.00.03 – Land hydrology. Water resources. Hydrochemistry.
Graduates of the department work at the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Center for Hydrometeorological Service, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Uzbekhydroenergo Joint Stock Company, the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and industry research institutes.
The main training courses of the department – Introduction to hydrology, geophysics, hydraulics, hydrometry, hydrography, hydrophysics, hydrochemistry, basics of hydrology, hydrogeology, reclamation hydrology, glaciology, inland water protection, statistical methods and mathematical modeling in hydrology, their effective use, mathematical modeling, impact on the ocean of changes in the potential of natural resources of Uzbekistan, calculation of river flow, hydrotechnical research, hydraulic structures, efficient use of water resources, hydrology and climatology.
Sustainable development of all sectors of the economy, especially agriculture and industry, is directly related to the efficient use of available water resources. From this point of view, the subject of research work carried out at the department: surface water resources of the Aral Sea basin; mountain glaciers; the laws of river flow formation; hydrometeorological regime of lakes; comprehensive study of the regularities of the hydrological regime of water bodies and their protection
2. In a separate form for the disciplines taught at the department,
bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
Subjects taught in the undergraduate (hydrometeorology)
№ | Scientific name | Brief information about science |
65030800-Hydrology (land hydrology) | ||
1 | Introduction to hydrology | The hydrosphere and its components – oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, groundwater, their specific properties and the laws of events that occur as a result of the interaction of each component with the natural environment. |
2 | Geophysics | The solar system is the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities to apply knowledge about the physical properties of the Earth and the earth’s crust formed in the historical geological process – the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and the laws of their interaction, as well as to apply the laws and methods of geophysics. |
3 | Hydraulics | Guidance will be provided on basic physical properties of fluids, hydrostatic pressure, compressive strength calculation, hydraulic flow elements, Bernoulli diagram, pipe and channel hydraulic calculations, unloading, hydraulic surges and determination of reservoir unloading time. |
4 | Hydrometry | Creation of networks for hydrological monitoring of water bodies, observation of the elements of the water regime, measurement and primary processing, generalization of the collected data and the formation of knowledge and skills on the state water cadastre. |
5 | Hydrography | The division of the Earth into land and oceans, the world’s oceans and their parts, continents, main watersheds, hinterland and outflow areas, the interdependence of the hydrographic networks formed in them and the hydrography of Central Asia, general theoretical knowledge about water bodies. |
6 | Hydrophysics | To study the physical properties of natural waters, the patterns of physical processes in reservoirs and, as a result, develop knowledge, skills and competencies in assessing the elements of water balance in glaciers, snow cover and saturated rivers, lakes and reservoirs. |
7 | Hydrochemistry | Chemical composition of natural waters, classification of the chemical composition of natural waters, components of hydrochemistry, hydrochemical studies in reservoirs. |
8 | Basics of hydrology | The hydrosphere and its components – oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, groundwater, their specific properties and the laws of events that occur as a result of the interaction of each component with the natural environment. |
9 | Hydrogeology | Achievements in the world of geology and hydrology, as well as the development of a hydrogeological worldview within the framework of modern concepts and the formation in their minds of knowledge, skills and abilities – that groundwater is an integral part of our soil, the root of the entire underground hydrosphere. |
10 | Reclamation hydrology | To study the specific patterns of hydrological, hydrogeological and reclamation processes on irrigated lands and develop knowledge, skills and abilities for practical application of calculations and forecasts of the water-salt balance of irrigated lands. |
11 | Glaciology | It consists of teaching methods for calculating and predicting the conditions for the formation and saturation of glaciers, their structure, physical properties, movement, vibration and development or degradation, the laws of their manifestation. |
12 | Protection of inland waters | Inland waters are modern methods and technologies of protection and from them teaches the principles of effective use in practice. |
13 | Statistical Methods and Mathematical Modeling in Hydrology | To teach the theoretical foundations of modern statistical methods and mathematical modeling used in hydrology, and to form in them knowledge, skills and abilities to apply in practice the knowledge accumulated in this area. |
14 | Oceanology | The nature of the oceans is to ensure that atmospheric and continental currents are closely interconnected and that they exist as an integrated system that interacts with the goal of generating scientific knowledge and understanding of processes and events in the ocean. |
15 | River flow dynamics and their effective use | Theoretical and practical foundations of the dynamics of river runoff and river processes, methods for calculating indicators of the dynamics of river runoff, movement of water and streams in natural rivers, patterns of their influence on river processes. |
16 | Impact of climate change on the natural resource potential of Uzbekistan | The safety and efficiency of all spheres of human economic activity depend on the weather and climate. The main task is to have a set of knowledge about meteorological values, events and factors in order to teach how to effectively use meteorological information in human activities. |
17 | Calculation of river flow | To teach the theoretical foundations of the mechanism of the process of river flow formation, the laws of its distribution in space and time, and to form in them knowledge, skills and abilities to apply in practice methods for calculating the elements of river flow. |
18 | Water engineering research | To train and plan the organization of hydrotechnical research in various water bodies, which leads to the acquisition of knowledge, skills and qualifications for the organization of hydrometeorological services. |
19 | Hydraulic structures | For hydraulic structures, it consists of training in the main stages of designing hydraulic structures, methods of designing and calculating hydraulic structures. |
20 | Efficient use of water resources | Water resources and their main components, their features, study of water resources and water balance of the Earth, distribution of water resources across continents, continents and basins, conditions of their saturation and patterns of formation of water resources. |
21 | Hydrology and climatology | The hydrosphere and its components – oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, groundwater, their specific properties and the laws of events that occur as a result of the interaction of each component with the natural environment. |
Master’s program 75030801-Hydrology (by objects of study)
disciplines by specialty
№ | Scientific name | Brief information about science |
1 | Research methodology | Formation of students’ skills of self-awareness and direct thinking in the process of scientific activity, teaching them adherence to the unity of theory and practice when creating a research program. |
2 | Land hydrology | The planet’s crust is the hydrosphere and its components – oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, groundwater, glaciers, their specific properties and patterns of hydrological phenomena and processes occurring as a result of the interaction of each component with the natural environment. |
3 | Theoretical and practical hydrometry | Organization of hydrological monitoring networks in water bodies, study of the elements of the water regime and their primary processing, theoretical foundations of generalization and principles of practical use of water meters and instruments. |
4 | Anthropogenic hydrology | Assessment of the impact of the human factor on water bodies, that is, anthropogenic factors, changes in the hydrological regime of water bodies under their influence, river flow management and the formation of knowledge and skills for the effective use of water resources. |
5 | Economic and ecological foundations of water use | Assessment of the use of water bodies, water resources, i.e. water resources in the economy, changes in the hydrological and hydrochemical regime of water bodies under their influence, river flow management and the formation of knowledge and skills for the effective use of water resources. |
6 | Protection and efficient use of water resources | In reservoirs, hydrochemical, organization of hydrobiological observations; hydrochemical data, primary processing, generalization and extraction of scientific conclusions from them; assessment of hydrochemical and polluting processes in water bodies teaches, etc. |
7 | Flood hydrology | It consists in teaching the laws of floods, methods of their detection and forecasting and, as a consequence, the development of knowledge, skills and competencies in them for the effective use of floodplains. |
3. About researchers and scientific works
№ | Research Institute of Professor F.I.Sh. | Academic degree, title | Dissertation topic |
1. | Erlapasov Narzikul Bakhromovich | Features of saturation of mountain rivers due to groundwater |
4. Information about local and foreign partners.
The Department of Terrestrial Hydrology cooperates with the Scientific Research Institute of Hydrometeorology at Uzhydromet, the Karakalpak State University, the Scientific Research Institute of Water Problems, the Friborg University of Germany, the Taraz University of Kazakhstan, and the Moscow State University of Russia.
5. The structure of the department.
№ | Surname First name Purity | |
1 | Yunusov Galib Khodzhaevich Ph.D., Associate Professor – Head of the Department | yunusov-g@mail.ru |
2 | Hikmatov Fazliddin Hikmatovich Doctor of Geology, Prof | hikmatov_f@mail.ru |
3 | Mukhamedjonov Shukhrat Shokirovich Ph.D., associate professor | Shuxran.shakirov@mail.ru |
4 | Ziyaev Rakhmat Rakhimovich Doctor of Physical and Geological Sciences, (PhD) Senior Lecturer | z-rahmat@mail.ru |
5 | Dovulov Nurullo Lapasovich teacher | dovulovnurulla@gmail.com |
6 | Khakimova Zilola Hikmatovna teacher | Zilola_khakimova@inbox.ru |
7 | Rakhmonov Komil Radjabovich Doctor of Philosophy, (PhD), Associate Professor | komiljons@mail.ru |
8 | Erlapasov Narzikul Bakhromovich Senior Lecturer | erlapasov88@mail.ru |
9 | Kuvvatov Dilmurod Rustam o’g’li trainee teacher | quvvatov.dilmurod@mail.ru |
10 | Khaidarova Orzigul Askarovna teacher | orzigulasqarovna@gmail.ru |
11 | Nishonov Bahriddin Erkinovich Ph.D., associate professor | bnishonov@mail.ru |
12 | Mamazhonova Gavkhar DSc | gavhar1402@mail.ru |
Laboratory of Hydraulics and Hydrometry
The laboratory of hydraulics and hydrometry was commissioned in 2017, equipped with the latest technology from a German company.
The laboratory is equipped with the following equipment:
HM 115 Simulator for studying the law of hydrostatics;
HM 150.18 Osborne-Reynolds experiment
HM 150.07 Bernoulli principle;
HM 150.08 Measurement of reactive power;
HM 150.21 Visualization of flow movement in an open channel.
These instruments are used to measure static and dynamic water pressure, Bernoulli’s principle, flow types, laminar and turbulent regimes, water hammer, Reynolds number and other laws of hydraulics.
7. Circles
There is a scientific circle “Young Hydrologists”;