Musurmonov Ulug’bek Amirqulovich –Director of center
100174, Universitet street 4, Olmazor district, Tashkent
Monday-Saturday, 14:00 – 17:00
+998 71 227 18 96

Information Technology Center to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 230 of May 25, 2001 was established on the basis of the Computing Center by the decision of the Academic Council of the University and the order of the Rector of the University dated September 22, 2001 01-475.
Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 9-2021 of April 16, 2021, Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations No. 20-2021-Q / Q of April 12 and the Ministry of Finance No. 22 of April 7, 2021 In accordance with the decision “On the introduction of management, technical, service and additions to higher education institutions” on the basis of the Center for Information Technology was established and launched the Center for Digital Educational Technologies.
Managed by the Center for Information Technology (ATM)
- Introduction of digital educational technologies,
- Network Management,
- Technical support,
- There are information security departments.
Currently, the University has 32 computer classes. The main task of the center is to carry out management and control over the introduction and use of information and communication technologies in the educational and administrative process of the university.
Information about the activities of the center
The center plans its activities and development prospects for the development of software and multimedia products and other products, services and activities, as well as to expand the production, social and logistical base of the center.
Maintains contractual relationships with customers for services and work, as well as suppliers of technical resources and equipment.
The Center can fulfill orders of business entities and individuals on a contractual basis in the manner prescribed by the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Charter of the National Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
The Center’s economic activities with other organizations, enterprises, individuals and legal entities are established through contractual interaction in all areas. The Center has the right to freely choose the subject of the contract, obligations and other terms of economic relations, provided that it does not contradict the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Charter of the National Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
The center provides the following activities:
- Creation and introduction of modern forms of training, retraining and advanced training.
- Application of work in the field of information technology and multimedia systems in higher education and science.
- Development of distance education and training, organization of its didactic and methodological support.
- Provide information links with organizations, libraries, research institutes, enterprises and universities in foreign countries and the republic.
- Internet and e-mail services.
- Organization, repair and modernization of computers, computers.
- Design, commissioning and configuration of computer networks and systems.
- Develop and implement software products for data collection and processing.
- Organizing and conducting research, development, design and experimental work.
- Organizing and conducting distance video training courses, video conferences.
The main goals and objectives of the center are:
- Coordination of intellectual and information resources of UZMU to address the issues highlighted in the National Training Program.
- Informatization of the educational process, development of information marketing services in the field of education, introduction of new information technologies and research results into the educational process.
- Support of the single information educational space of the Republic of Uzbekistan, free exchange of knowledge, ideas, scientific and practical results on intellectual activity, which are the main factors of economic and spiritual recovery.